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We are excited to be able to offer a new, practical, and positive 6 week course for parents who are preparing for, going through or have gone through a separation or divorce.

Parenting when separated can be challenging and confusing. This 6-week online course starting on 16 April highlights practical steps parents can take to help their children cope and thrive, as well as coping successfully themselves.

Topics include:

  • Solving co-parenting problems in a positive way that focus on the needs of your children.
  • Coping with the emotional impact of separation and learning how to look after yourself and your children.
  • Building a stronger relationship with your children and helping them cope with the impact of the separation both emotionally and practically.
  • How to have successful, ongoing co-parenting communications with your children’s other parent.

One of the biggest benefits of this course is it allows parents to gain the support of other parents who may have similar experiences and together, find down-to-earth solutions for difficult situations.

The focus of the course is positive and aims to build your strengths as a parent and what you’re already doing right.

Who should attend

This course will be online and is free to attend. It is open to separated parents from all backgrounds where at least one of you lives in Somerset. Both mothers and fathers, resident and non-resident parents are welcome to attend this course. Both parents have the same children are welcome to attend although we recommend that you attend separate groups.

We will meet with all parents for an individual chat before the start of the group.

There is a maximum of 12 parents on each course, so please book early to guarantee your place. To be eligible for this free course, at least one parent needs to live in Somerset, UK.

Course details

The course will be run by Ruth James, Somerset Council’s Reducing Parental Conflict Coordinator working with Andrea Alder from Relate.

The course consists of 6 group sessions and there are 2 courses running on the same day (Course A and Course B) covering the same content to encourage each separated/divorced parent to attend a different session.

About the event

When does this event reoccur This is a recurring event and occurs 6 week course
Cost of event FREE
Book tickets

More information


Organisation Somerset Council
Contact name Ruth James, Reducing Parental Conflict Co-ordinator
Telephone 01823 357455