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A youth club for people with additional needs aged between 11 and 19 years, but can go up to 25 years.

Hipp!!Bones staff are very knowledgeable and experienced in the fields of youth work and special education, and are supported by a team of dedicated adult volunteers and young volunteers. The ground floor of the building is wheelchair accessible, and mobile hoisting facilities are available. All activities are appropriately differentiated to meet each young person’s needs, routines are in place giving a sense of security, and staff use simple language reinforced with visual clues and sign language to support communication. We have communication aids; switches and switch activated resources to enable young people with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties  to participate independently in activities and have greater control over their immediate environment.

The club encourages young people to explore new activities and gain life skills, through a variety of arts and crafts, cookery, and sporting pursuits. Air hockey, pool, and the Nintendo Wii are also available in the Coffee Bar.


About the event

Next event date 5 April, 2025 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
When does this event reoccur This is a recurring event and occurs 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month, all year round (with the exception of New Year’s Day)

More information


Organisation Hipp!!Bones

Event location

Address Gillingham Youth & Community Centre, Cemetery Road, Gillingham, SP8 4AZ