The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 places responsibilities on employers, employees, and the self-employed to have regard for their own health and safety and that of others working for them, and for people visiting their premises. Enforcement of the law is shared between the Health and Safety Executive and Somerset Council.
Health and safety legislation applies to all businesses, however small, to the self-employed and also to employees. If you are a small or medium sized business needing advice on health and safety in the workplace, visit the ABC Guide to Health and Safety for tools and guidance. It will help you to understand what you need to do whilst avoiding unnecessary paperwork and effort.
Helping Great Britain work well
Great Britain’s health and safety record is the envy of much of the world. Central to this is protecting people by managing risk in a proportionate and effective way, supporting innovation and increasing productivity. The challenge is to improve even further on this impressive record. More information on Managing risks and risk assessment at work.
Complying with the law
The HSE have produced guidance for employers on their website on things you need to do.
Reporting an accident
Certain types of incidents including accidents must be reported. Report an incident and find out more information about the reporting legislation known as RIDDOR on the Health and Safety Executive website
Further information
You can find specific help on the Health and Safety Executive website
Reporting a Health and Safety issue
The HSE enforces the legislation in manufacturing, construction, agriculture, health and education. If you have a concern regarding any of these sectors please contact the HSE.
Somerset Council is the enforcing authority in:
- offices (except government offices)
- shops
- hotels
- restaurants
- leisure premises
- nurseries and playgroups
- pubs and clubs
- museums (privately owned)
- places of worship
- hairdressers and beauty therapists
- sheltered accommodation and care homes
- some premises where animals are cared for
Report an issue to Somerset Council
Please contact us if you want to report an issue: