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A dangerous dog is classed as one that is dangerously out of control and you are worried that it might bite or has bitten a person.

If a dog attacks another animal, we are unfortunately unable to help. This is a private matter between the owners of the animals.

The police can deal with incidents where dogs are dangerous towards people. Further information can be found on the Avon and Somerset Police website. Call the police on 101 if you want to report a dangerous dog.

More information about dog control can be found on GOV.UK – Controlling your dog in public.

Every dog owner must make sure their pet is not a nuisance. As a dog owner, you must comply with certain laws designed to make sure that people and dogs can live happily and safely together in the community.

Dangerous Dog Act 1991

The  Dangerous Dog Act 1991 relates to all dogs of any type or breed. It makes it a criminal offence for the owner of a dog and any other person in charge of it at the time to allow any dog to be dangerously out of control in a public place or a private place where the dog has no right to be.

Under this act a dog is considered as being out of control if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the dog will injure a person, whether or not it actually does so.

You can view full details of the Dangerous Dog Act 1991 on

Dog on human attacks

Although rare, dog on human attacks do occur. If you have been attacked by a dog you should report the incident immediately to Avon and Somerset Police on 101. It is not the responsibility of the council’s dog wardens to deal with dangerous dogs although we would assist the police should they require our help.

Dog on dog attacks

Generally dogs are very social animals. However, like humans, some do take a dislike to others. It is in a dog’s nature to try and satisfy a hierarchy between members of its pack (this includes animals it will come across whilst out on walks) and in order to do this there may ensue a scuffle between dogs.

Most incidents are like this and both animals come away unscathed. However, sometimes things can escalate and serious attacks can occur leaving animals in distress or injured.

The best way to avoid any confrontation is to ensure that your dog is kept under close control by keeping the dog on a lead. The vast majority of incidents that get reported involve both parties’ animals being off the lead and therefore not under the complete control of the person walking it.

If a dog attacks another animal or dog, we are unfortunately unable to help. This is a private matter between the owners of the animals.

Dog attacks on livestock

All dog attacks on livestock should be reported immediately to Avon and Somerset Police on 101.

XL Bully dogs

As of the 31 December 2023 it is now a legal requirement for all XL Bully dogs to be kept on a lead and muzzled when in public. It is also illegal to breed, sell, advertise, gift, exchange, abandon or let XL Bully dogs stray.

Check if your dog is an XL Bully

We are aware that the characteristics and measurements set out by the government are causing significant concern to owners of dogs that are not XL Bully’s but do fit the criteria. If you are unsure, or your dog fits some of the criteria, check if your dog is an XL Bully on GOV.UK – Guidance – XL Bully conformation standard.

Our Dog Wardens are unable to assist or advise you on this.

Last updated: January 22, 2025

Next review due: July 22, 2025

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