Somerset Tree Strategy

A wide range of stakeholders have come together to develop the Somerset Tree Strategy 2023 to 2033

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A wide range of stakeholders have come together to develop the Somerset Tree Strategy 2023 to 2033

Somerset Tree StrategySomerset Tree Planting Register

Somerset Tree Strategy

A wide range of stakeholders have come together to develop the Somerset Tree Strategy 2023 to 2033.

The strategy focuses around five key themes:

  1. Creating a woodland culture
  2. Making our treescapes more resilient and adaptable to climate change
  3. Expanding tree coverage across Somerset
  4. Focusing on the services and products around trees
  5. Creating a sustainable and flexible governance structure

We have split the strategy into three separate documents.

  • The strategy itself which focuses on these five core themes
  • The objectives and Actions document which breaks these down into deliverable actions
  • The Evidence document which contains further detail and information on the strategy

Somerset Tree Planting Register

Root for Somerset. Make your trees count.

We know many great tree-planting schemes are being carried out in Somerset by parishes, community groups, farmers, businesses, and individuals.

We want to celebrate these efforts and track the progress of important tree planting goals as we strive to increase tree canopy cover across Somerset from 8% to the national average of 13%. To achieve this, the Somerset Tree Strategy states that the county needs to plant 93 square miles of new trees (240 hectares) across Somerset every year until 2033.

If you or a group you are involved with have planted new trees recently (since October 2023), make them count and put them on The Somerset Tree Planting Register.

It is easy to do and takes less than five minutes. Register your trees on The Somerset Tree Planting Register. Putting your trees on the map will help us monitor progress and make decisions about future areas of focus and provide valuable information to support external funding opportunities.

Spread the word

If you know someone who has recently planted new trees, please encourage them to add them to the register.

If you are planning to plant trees this autumn and need advice, the Council has two Woodland Creation Officers who are funded by the Woodland Acceleration Fund. They can support you on what trees to plant where and for the right reason.

You can contact them at

Lets all Root for Somerset and help grow Somerset’s tree canopy!

Last updated: July 31, 2024

Next review due: January 31, 2025

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