

The Public Inquiry opened on Wednesday 17 April and closed on Thursday 25 April. Once the Planning Inspector has issued a decision, it will be published on GOV.UK and the Local Planning Authority’s website.

Public Inquiry relating to the Enforcement Notices Issued by Somerset Council at the Zig Zag Site, Morland Road, Glastonbury

Inspectorate reference: APP/E3335/C/23/3333353 & APP/E3335/C/23/3333354

Appeal Location: Zig Zag Site, Morland Road, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9FT

Appellant:  Mr C Black

Enforcement Reference Number: ENF/2023/0059

The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has received an appeal by Mr C Black against the Council’s Enforcement Notice at the above site (see below link for more details).

The Appellant has appealed on the following grounds (as set out at Section 174(2) of the 1990 Act:

  1. that Planning Permission should be granted for what is alleged in the notice.
  2. that, at the time the enforcement notice was issued, it was too late to take enforcement action against the matters stated in the notice.
  3. the steps required to comply with the requirements of the notice are excessive and lesser steps would overcome the objections.
  4. the time given to comply with the notice is not long enough.

The appeal references are APP/E3335/C/23/3333353 & APP/E3335/C/23/3333354 and the starting date is 22 December 2023. The appeal is to be dealt with by way of Inquiry. Details of the Inquiry will be published here soon.

Appeal documents are available to view on the Local Planning Authority’s website: Find a planning application (Area East) or you can view them online in our offices.

If you wish to make comments, or modify/withdraw your previous representation (particularly in respect of any appeal underground (d)), please send them to:

The Planning Inspectorate, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN quoting the appeal reference number.

The Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge representations. They will, however, ensure that your letter is passed onto the Inspector dealing with the appeal if received before the deadline.

Where possible, you should submit three copies of your representations.

Please ensure that any representations you wish to make on this appeal are received by the Planning Inspectorate no later than 2 February 2024, otherwise there is a risk that your representations will not be seen by the Inspector and they will be returned.

Please be aware that your views will be disclosed to the parties to the appeal. Guidance on taking part is available free of charge from the Local Planning Authority or you can visit the Planning Inspectorate website: Taking part in a planning, listed building or enforcement appeal (


The decision will be published on GOV.UK and the Local Planning Authority’s website.


Case Officer contact at the Planning Inspectorate:
F Kanwal, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN.
Telephone: 0303 444 5000
Email address:

Core Documents

Core Documents are published on the Appellant & Council’s Google Drive.