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Public Inquiry relating to the application to Mendip District Council for development including the demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of up to 150 residential dwellings including affordable housing with the provision of vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian access onto Marston Lane alongside;

  • public open spaces
  • community space
  • children’s play
  • sustainable urban drainage systems
  • hard and soft landscaping
  • infrastructure and earthworks.

An Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State will hold an Inquiry opening at 10am on the 10th January 2023 to decide the appeal.

Inspectorate Reference: APP/Q3305/W/22/3306827

Appeal Proposal: Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except for access) for the demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of up to 150 residential dwellings including affordable housing with the provision of vehicular, cyclist and pedestrian access onto Marston Lane alongside public open spaces, community space, children’s play, sustainable urban drainage systems, hard and soft landscaping, infrastructure and earthworks.

Appeal Location: Land at 376568 146739 Marston Lane, Frome, Somerset

Appellant: Gleeson Land Ltd

Application Number: 2022/0616/OUT

The Public Inquiry will be held in person on the 10 and 11 January 2023 at the Council Chamber, Mendip District Council offices, Cannards Grave Road, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 5BT

The Public Inquiry will then be held virtually via Microsoft Teams from 12th January 2022 for up to 6 days.  Please note that the Public Inquiry will not sit on 16th January 2022.

An Inspector appointed by the Department of Communities and Local Government under paragraph 1 (i) of schedule 6 to the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 will preside. You may attend the Public Inquiry virtually if you so wish and, at the Inspector’s discretion, will be allowed to present any views that you have on the matter. Please read the attendance information below.

An updated copy of the timetable can be found at Frome Inquiry Schedule.

Inquiry Attendance

The first two days of the Inquiry will be held in person and then it will move to virtual. However the whole inquiry, including the first two days, can still be viewed virtually.  If you would like to view the Inquiry in-person or virtually you must contact us at to register your attendance and receive joining instructions.  Please let us know if you wish to participate or simply observe.

Please contact for joining instructions should you wish to observe the event online or over the phone. You will need to have Microsoft Teams installed to view the Inquiry Virtually.

Where you can see the plans

Appeal documents may be viewed on the council website under the original application number (2022/0616/OUT): Public Access Mendip- Online applications

A list of the Core Documents is provided below.  Please note that further documents will be added to the list as and when necessary, but especially once the Inquiry commences.


The Inspector’s decision (when it is issued) and the information regarding the progress of this appeal can be accessed via the Planning Inspectorate website: Planning Inspectorate – GOV.UK

The decision will also be available to view on our website.


Case Officer contact at the Planning Inspectorate:

Kerr Brown, Room 3/J Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN.
Telephone: 0303 444 5243
Email address:

Core Documents

View the core documents