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Working in partnership with other public sector partners across Somerset allows the council to work effectively, efficiently, avoiding duplication and share good practice.

Somerset Equality Officers GroupWorking with the Diversity Trust

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Somerset Equality Officers Group

The partnership will provide the lead for working together to coordinate a rolling programme of Equalities and Diversity work in Somerset.

The aims of the group are:

  • Work collectively to develop a countywide approach to the equality agenda and therefore reduce duplication and increase efficiency
  • Promote equality of opportunity and develop actions that improve the quality of life for all people living in Somerset through our partnership working
  • Improving equality of access to services by identifying and removing barriers
  • Work towards eliminating discrimination and harassment and other prohibited conduct under the equality duty
  • Promote good relations and positive attitudes between the people of Somerset

SEOG Meeting Notes 

SEOG Newsletter

The Somerset Equalities Officers Group produces a newsletter looking at the work that is being done collectively by the group, highlighting individual pieces of work we are doing. It is sent to a host of groups county wide. Previous editions can be read below:

Working with the Diversity Trust

SEOG commissioned the Diversity Trust to undertake the following research, using contacts in Somerset, talk to gay men, specifically men over the age of 25 to understand

  • The support systems that they currently use
  • What they know about what is going on across the county to support them
  • What they think needs to be done and how this can be achieved

The Somerset Gay and Bisexual Men research report identified a number of recommendations. We have identified the work that is being done at local level and identified the work that is still to be done. The feedback sets out the actions that will be undertaken.

We will keep in contact with the community through the use of The Diversity Trust newsletter. Future articles and additions will be added when published.

Last updated: February 12, 2025

Next review due: August 12, 2025

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