Glastonbury and Somerton constituency results

Elected as Member of Parliament

Liberal Democrats Sarah Dyke

Counting complete

  • Reform UK Tom Carter
    Total votes 7678
    Share of vote 16.12%
  • Green Party Jon Cousins
    Total votes 2736
    Share of vote 5.74%
  • Liberal Democrats Sarah Dyke
    Total votes 20364
    Share of vote 42.74%
  • Labour Hal Hooberman
    Total votes 3111
    Share of vote 6.53%
  • Conservative Faye Purbrick
    Total votes 13753
    Share of vote 28.87%

Voter turnout

Eligible voters 73268
Total population 91963
Voter turnout 65.3%

Glastonbury and Somerton constituency map

Last reviewed: July 5, 2024 by Daniel

Next review due: January 5, 2025

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