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All results (105)

November 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

October 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

September 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

August 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

July 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

June 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

May 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

April 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

March 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

February 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

January 2022

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

December 2021

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

November 2021

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

October 2021

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

September 2021

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

August 2021

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

July 2021

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

June 2021

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

May 2021

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton

April 2021

CouncilSomerset West and Taunton