The creation of Somerset Council will deliver benefits to you, our customers, in how you access our services. From day one, we will deliver one single telephone number, website, and a range of customer access points across Somerset. This represents the start of our journey in developing your customer experience as a new council. We will then be working behind the scenes to combine the staff, systems, and processes of our previous councils. We recognise that we need to take this unique opportunity to improve your experience and align and coordinate the necessary changes across our new organisation.
Our Customer Strategy outlines the way the council will seek to enable customers to access the services we offer.
Our vision
We will put you, our customers, at the heart of everything we do. We will provide accessible services that are designed around your needs and we will work towards customer service excellence.
Our principles
- Customer insights
We understand what you need from us by listening and learning from your feedback. - Customer focused culture
We put you, our customers, at the heart of everything we do. - Information and Access
We deliver our services in ways that meet your needs and ensure our services are accessible. - Delivery
We work with you to deliver customer focused services and learn from best practice. - Timeliness and quality of service
We provide services that meet your needs, to time and to the standards that are published. When we get it wrong, we put it right quickly and learn from our mistakes.
Help us shape our services
We want to provide the highest quality services that meet the needs of people living and working in our county and we want you to shape these services with us.
We want to hear your opinion
Do you:
- Have views about how we could make our county an even better place to live and work?
- Want to have your opinion heard?
- Want to have an influence on how we develop and improve service?
Join our Customer Panel and tell us what you think – find out more about our Customer Panel