The Council’s Constitution

The Constitution of Somerset Council is a document detailing how decisions are made, and the procedures followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people.

Some of these processes are required by law, while others are a matter for the Council.

The constitution document includes:

  • a summary and explanation
  • articles committing the council to providing open responsive local government and leadership
  • rights of citizens and how the key parts of the council operate
  • responsibility for functions by various committees, the executive, plus delegated powers to individual members of the executive and officers
  • rules of procedure
  • codes and protocols
  • Members’ allowances scheme.

If you would like more information about the Council and its Constitution, please contact the Council’s Monitoring Officer.

Monitoring Officer
Somerset Council
County Hall


Last reviewed: May 28, 2024 by Adam

Next review due: November 28, 2024

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