We want your feedback!
We want to hear from you! Your feedback helps us improve our services. Tell us if we did a good job or if we can do better.
Use the online service below to complain about a service, send us your comments or give us a compliment.
Before making your complaint
If you have a problem, please contact us before making a complaint. This gives us a chance to fix it. We ask that you only make a complaint where the issue is recurring and remains unresolved.
To report a problem, please use our online form. This includes issues like potholes, broken signs, or health problems. This way, the right team will get your report right away. For example, our Waste Team will get your report about a missed waste collection as soon as you submit it.
If you want to tell us about a problem, you can use our Contact us page. Choose the service that the problem relates to and then click on the ‘Report it’ link to inform us of the problem.
Make a complaint
If you are unhappy with a service, you can make a complaint. The service will investigate your complaint and will aim to reply within 10 working days.
Use the button below to give us your feedback about our services including Adult Social Care and Children’s Social Care (not schools). See the next section for information on school complaints.
School complaints
We do not manage school complaints. School complaints are managed by the headteacher and governors. You should contact the school first if you have any issues, queries or complaints. If this does not sort out the problem, you should follow the school’s complaints procedure. You should be able to find this on the school’s website, or you can contact the school directly.
Complaints about Children's Social Care
You can watch a video to understand how to make a complaint about Children’s Social Care here:
How we will deal with your complaint
If you have a complaint, it’s easier to fix the problem if you tell us right away. If you wait too long, it becomes more difficult to investigate events fairly and fully. People’s memories fade, staff who were involved leave the Council or records may no longer be available. For these reasons, we will usually only accept complaints made within twelve months of the incident or circumstances that led to the complaint.
If your complaint is older than twelve months, please contact us so that we can tell you about other ways that might still be available to solve your problem.
When we receive your complaint, it will be sent to the service you are complaining about for them to investigate and respond to you. They understand the issues involved and are best placed to put things right as quickly as possible. We will aim to reply to your complaint within 10 working days. If we need more time, we will tell you.
If you feel there are reasons why you cannot resolve your complaint with the service, please contact us and we will discuss this with you and agree how to proceed.
If you want some independent help or support to complain, there are different advocacy options in Somerset. We can direct you to groups that might help you.
What the Council considers to be a complaint
A complaint can mean many things. Here are some examples.
For example, you could be dissatisfied about:
- The standard of service you have received from us
- Our response to a request for service
- Our actions
- The behaviour of a member of staff
- Harassment, bias or unfair discrimination, for example, this could include anti-Semitism as defined under the internationally recognised definition. Please see antisemitism.uk/definition/. We promise to investigate and seek to put right any unfairness or unfair discrimination.
We do not mean
- An initial request for a service, such as reporting a faulty streetlight or a pothole. We must have had the chance to provide the service or put something right, which we can only do if we have received a request or been told about a problem.
- Where a separate appeals procedure exists or a legal remedy is open to you, for example planning applications, or school admissions policy.
- When you are unhappy about policies set by Somerset Councillors, for example a budget decision which changes the services available or how they are delivered.
- Insurance claims relating to alleged damage or injury. These will be dealt with by the Council’s insurance section.
- If your complaint is about policies set by other organisations.
- When your complaint is about alleged serious misconduct by an employee of the Council. This will be dealt with through our internal HR procedures, as it would not be appropriate to deal with the issue through the complaint’s procedure. We will not provide details or the outcome of those internal procedures, but we will let you know once internal processes are complete
What to do if you disagree with our decision
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can get in touch with us to escalate the matter. We will identify what you think has been overlooked and the parts of the response you dispute. Depending on the situation, mediation or dispute resolution may be the best ways to resolve complaints. Alternatively, the Customer Experience Team may conduct a review, which will examine the issues you initially raised, the response you received and address the matters that you feel have not been resolved properly. We aim to give you a full response within 20 working days, whichever option is chosen. We will keep you informed of our progress and notify you if there is any delay.
If you are still unhappy with our decision, you can contact the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman at any time to ask if they would conduct an independent investigation. They will not normally investigate your complaint until the Council has had the opportunity to fully investigate it.
You can contact them on the Local Government and Social care Ombudsman website and complete in an online complaint form, or you can phone them on 0300 061 0614 – Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm.
Housing Ombudsman
Complaints about the Council in its role as a social landlord and its responsibilities for leasehold housing, are dealt with according to the law.
The Housing Ombudsman is on hand to provide residents with advice and support at any stage of the complaints process and can be contacted by:
- Phone: 0300 111 3000
- Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk
- Website: Use the online complaints form on the Housing Ombudsman website or use their webchat.
The Housing Ombudsman is unable to investigate your complaint until the Council’s two-stage complaints process has been completed but can be approached at any time for guidance.
As a member of the Housing Ombudsman scheme, Somerset Council comply with The Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code which was last revised in April 2024. We regularly check our compliance with the Complaint Handling Code through the Housing Ombudsman’s self-assessment process. A copy of our most recent self-assessment can be found on Our housing and services performance page. The Housing ombudsman also publishes it on their website where you can read about any findings the Ombudsman have made against us as a landlord in the last twelve months.
We are committed to providing information on this in publications shared with our tenants such as newsletters, annual reports and the Tenant Strategic Group.
Compliments and comments
It is also important for us to know about things that are going well or how the service can be improved, and to be able to give staff positive feedback.
When we receive your compliment, we will write to thank you and will pass your thanks on to all the people concerned.
Your comments will be passed to the service, and we will use these to help us improve.
Petitions and e-petitions
To learn more about petitions, visit our Petitions page.
- Tell us what you think about our services
- Children’s Social Care Complaint Information Sheet
- Compliments, comments and complaints about Adult Social Care – information sheet
- Annual Customer Feedback Report 2023-24
- Annual Customer Feedback Report 2022-23
- Annual Customer Feedback Report April 2021 to March 2022
- Annual Customer Feedback Report April 2020 to March 2021
- Annual Customer Feedback Report April 2019 to March 2020
- Annual Customer Feedback Report April 2018 to March 2019
- Annual Customer Feedback Report 2017-18
- Annual Customer Feedback Report Summary 2016-17
- Annual Customer Feedback Report April 2014 to March 2015
- Annual Customer Feedback Report April 2013 to March 2014
- Children’s Social Care Customer Feedback Report 2015-2016
- ASC Annual Customer Feedback Report 2016-17
- CSC Annual Customer Feedback Report 2016-17