
There are 272 separate parishes in the Somerset Council area, plus three groups of councils (namely Cary Moor, Neroche, and North Vale). Parish and town councils raise their money by adding an extra cost known as a “precept” to council tax bills in each parish. Your parish share will be clearly shown on your council tax bill.

Vacancies on parish and town councils can happen at any time, for example because a councillor has resigned or has died. If an election is not requested, then the remaining councillors can fill the vacancy through co-option. This means the parish or town council can choose someone to fill the vacancy. You can find City, Town and Parish councils information on our Democracy website.

City, Town and Parish Councillor Scheme of Allowances

The Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (as amended) (the Regulations) provide all city, town, and parish councils with the discretion to introduce allowances schemes whereby a basic allowance and travelling and subsistence allowances can be paid to their elected members.

Before any Parish, Town or City Council begins to pay a Basic Allowance to their Members they are legally obligated to seek the views and recommendation of the Somerset Council’s Parish, Town and City Independent Remuneration Panel.

Their latest report and recommendations for parish, towns and cities is available below.

Should any City, Town or Parish Council within Somerset wish to request the Independent Remuneration Panel make a specific report and set of recommendations for them, they should contact the Monitoring Officer by emailing Monitoring.Officer@somerset.gov.uk.

Last updated: February 19, 2025

Next review due: August 19, 2025

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