
In general, allotment gardens are for the sole use of the cultivation of plants, soft fruit and vegetables for consumption by the tenants, their family and friends.

Apart from being a useful way to grow your own food, allotments are also great for meeting new people and helping you to stay fit and active. As well as providing habitats for many forms of wildlife and an excellent addition to our green spaces.

Under Section 23 of Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908, a duty is placed upon Local Authorities to provide areas of land set aside for allotments, where they perceive there is a demand. This is provided by Somerset Council, as well as Town and Parish Councils.

Most allotments in the Somerset area belong to either town or parish councils.

For more information on these allotments, please contact Somerset Council online or call 0300 123 2224.

If you are aware of any allotment sites that are not detailed on this page, please visit contact us online to inform us.

Other allotment sites in Somerset are displayed below.


For more information see the Carhampton Allotment Association website.


For more information contact Dunster Parish Council at


  • Marshfield Allotments, Marshfield Road, Alcombe
  • Hare Park Allotments, Hare Park Terrace, Hopcott Road, Alcombe
  • Poundfield Allotments, Poundfield Road, Minehead
  • Periton Way Allotments, Periton Way, Minehead
  • Periton Lane Allotments, Periton Lane, Minehead
  • Orchard Allotments, Orchard Road, Minehead

For more information contact Minehead Town Council via email on

Rural Allotments

For more information contact the Local Parish Council.


For more information contact the Local Parish Council.


For more information contact Watchet Town Council, 01984 633344 or


  • The Basins Allotments, Corams Lane – (100 plots)
  • Rockwell Green Allotments, Exeter Road – (64 Plots)
  • Northside Allotments, Northside, Rockwell Green – (34 Plots)
  • Burchills Hill Allotments, Burchills Hill, Tonedale – (11 Plots)
  • (New Site) Longforth Farm Allotments, Longforth Farm – Bloor Homes on 01823 660354 or or Wellington Town Council

For more information contact Wellington Town Council – 01823 662855 or


Williton Allotments, On A39, outside Williton, TA4 4RN - Mrs Elizabeth Payne, 01984 633084,


  • Plain Pond Allotments, Plain Pond – Lena Holland (48 Plots)
  • Caters Close Gardens Allotments, Rotton Row – Church Warden 01984 629423 or
  • (Under Development) Willow Mead, Styles Road – David Wilson Homes

For more information contact Wiveliscombe Town Council –

Last reviewed: May 16, 2024 by Neil

Next review due: November 16, 2024

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