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Before Somerset Council was formed all the Somerset councils had either declared or recognised a Climate and Ecological Emergency

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Before Somerset Council was formed all the Somerset councils had either declared or recognised a Climate and Ecological Emergency

IntroductionThe strategy's themes


Before Somerset Council was formed in April 2023, all the previous councils in Somerset had either declared or recognised a Climate and Ecological Emergency. All 5 councils contributed and committed to delivering the joint Somerset Climate Emergency Strategy.

The strategy is split into nine sections and has three goals:

  • To decarbonise Local Authorities, the wider public sector estates and reduce our carbon footprint
  • To work towards making Somerset a Carbon Neutral County by 2030
  • To have a Somerset which is prepared for, and resilient to, the impacts of climate change

The strategy's themes

  1. Energy
  2. Transport
  3. Built Environment
  4. Business, Industry and Supply Chain
  5. Natural Environment
  6. Food and Farming
  7. Water
  8. Waste and Resource
  9. Communications

We all know that the time to act is now with the 2020s identified as the critical period for us to really make an impact. All our climate teams and experience from the five previous Somerset councils have continued into Somerset Council. You can find out more about what each council accomplished.

As the local authority for Somerset, it is our responsibility to act, lead by example and bring others along. However, we cannot do this alone. Everyone has a role and responsibility to act against the climate and ecological crisis.

If you would like to get involved and find out what we’re up to, visit our climate newsletter and climate champions pages.

If you would like to catch up on a previous event or find out what we’re up to visit our climate news and events page and current projects page.

Below are just some of the organisations we’re proud to be working alongside:

  • Somerset Rivers Authority
  • Somerset Waste Partnership
  • Parish, Town and City Councils
  • Local Community Networks
  • Neighbouring Districts, County Councils, Unitary Authorities
  • Farmers and Landowners
  • Distribution Network Operators
  • Utility companies
  • Businesses
  • Central Government
  • Homeowners and renters
  • Landlords
  • Volunteer and Community Groups
  • Charities
  • Schools, both county-owned and wider, such as academies, diocese-owned and private schools
  • The Areas of Natural Beauty
  • Forestry Commission
  • Somerset Local Nature Partnership
  • Somerset Wildlife Trust
  • South West Energy Hub
  • Local Enterprise Partnership
  • Community Energy Groups
  • Environment Agency
  • National Farmers Union
  • Farming Wildlife Advisory Group Southwest
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • UK100

Last updated: December 16, 2024

Next review due: June 16, 2025

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