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Helpful information

Useful links to different websites we work closely with to bring you up to date and helpful information.

Professional Choices

Somerset Professional Choices is a website that makes it easier for professionals to work together towards better outcomes for children, young people and their families, including vulnerable adults. Includes information on the Early Help Assessment.

Somerset Local Offer

Pages for both providers and parents, listing all of the childcare services that Somerset provides to help you find the right care for you and your family.

Somerset Partnerships – Parent Carer Toolkit

With the help of Somerset parents and carers, Somerset Partnerships have created a toolkit which has lots of information to support parents and carers with the job of ‘being a parent’.

Somerset Skills and Learning

SS&L is a vibrant staff-led Social Enterprise, which delivers a wide range of education services to young people and adults across Somerset.

Early Years Alliance

A page for both providers and parents, the Early Years Alliance is the largest and most representative early years membership organisation in England.

Somerset Play Forum

A page for both providers and parents, Somerset Play Forum works to support play provision across Somerset.


A charity dedicated to supporting everyone working in childcare and early years to provide high quality care and early learning for children and families.


National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) began as a group of nurseries who came together to share good practice and ideas.

Pathways to School Readiness Toolkit

This useful toolkit has been produced by the School Readiness Working Party to support practitioners in schools and early years settings in preparing children for the transitions that they need to make in their early years.

eLIM Education Technology

The eLIM Team work with schools to use technology effectively across the whole teaching and learning environment.


Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills.

Dillington Advertising Services

Based in Taunton, Somerset, Dillington Advertising Services is a recognised advertising agency. They are specialists in public sector recruiting but offer advertising services to other sectors.

Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership

The Somerset Safeguarding Children Partnership have a statutory duty to co-ordinate how agencies work together to safeguard and promote the wellbeing of children and young people in Somerset.

Foundation Years

The Foundation Years website is a website to find information and support if you work in the early years and childcare delivering services for children.

Support Services for Education

A website to provide you with easy access to services, information, training and events that will support you in delivering the best possible education provision to the children and young people of Somerset.

SSE School Library Service

The SSE School Library Service now has a dedicated early years offer and provides a fantastic array of resources for your early years setting.

Last updated: January 25, 2024

Next review due: July 25, 2024

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