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Trauma Informed Somerset

Training to support a workforce that is able to recognise when individuals are affected by trauma and adversity


Somerset local area partnerships and organisations are working together to achieve a shared vision – that all individuals in Somerset who access help and engage with services receive support that is trauma informed.


The Somerset Trauma Informed Network is a group of individuals and organisations who are committed to a journey of becoming more trauma informed in their practice and policy.

The Network allows practitioners from a range of organisations and diverse backgrounds to link, share best practice and learn together to create a Somerset-wide culture of practice. We aim to build awareness about trauma informed and shame sensitive practice across the workforce, to help to achieve positive change within families and organisations.

Find out more on the Somerset Safeguarding Children’s Partnership website.

Trauma informed approaches recognise the prevalence of trauma in people’s lives and acknowledge the potential effects that this can have on individuals and their families, networks, and communities. A Trauma Informed Somerset means having a workforce that is able to recognise when individuals are affected by trauma and adversity and then able to respond in ways that are supportive and prevent further harm. In relation to educational settings, often a whole-school approach is crucial and supports all children and young people.

Last updated: March 13, 2025

Next review due: September 13, 2025

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