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Education, Health and Care Plans – you said, we are listening

Following feedback from families, we have created a series of pages which we hope will help young people and parents access the information they need

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Following feedback from families, we have created a series of pages which we hope will help young people and parents access the information they need

You told usThe problemWe listenedWhat happens nextWhat has the impact been

You told us

People told us the Education Health and Care Needs Assessment process was very confusing and people did not know what would happen when.

The problem

Material on the Local Offer was limited.  Information wasn’t all together and did not take you on a journey through the process.

We listened

We created a series of pages which we hope will help young people and parents access information about Education, Health and Care plans (EHCP). The pages take you from before a plan is needed, right through to the reviewing and ending of a plan.  We hope that the new pages will help young people and their families to understand the process better.

You can find more information on our Education, Health and Care Plan pathway pages.

What has the impact been

Since publishing the new pages, numbers of page views have significantly increased.

Professionals working with parents carers are telling us it is very helpful information.

Last updated: November 13, 2024

Next review due: May 13, 2025

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