Young People with SEND Voice

Through forum meetings, social media, consultations and engagement activities we seek feedback on local services to help us improve them


As a local area, we are committed to listening to the voice of children and young people, and working with them to secure good outcomes for Somerset’s children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Through forum meetings, social media, consultations and engagement activities we seek feedback on local services to help us improve them and to make sure they meet the needs of local families.

The Unstoppables

The Engagement and Participation Team runs The Unstoppables young people’s forum to increase the voice of children and young people with SEND in Somerset.

This group meets every month to help with decision making and to develop skills to prepare them for the future, these skills include

  • Problem solving
  • Confidence
  • Group work
  • Having a voice
  • Listening
  • Decision making


‘I love this group because it is about your opinions and I can be myself in the group.’

Could you be Unstoppable?


Young Person's Champion

The Young People’s Champion is a part time role in Somerset Council. The role helps to ensure that young people with SEND have their voices heard in decisions that affect them.

The Young Person’s Champion is:

  • aged between 16 and 25
  • living in somerset
  • a young person with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
  • passionate about challenging stigma and barriers for young people with SEND

The Young Person’s Champion meets with other people who work for Somerset Council and other services to talk about lived experiences of children and young people with SEND.

The Young Person’s Champion works with other people to make decisions, help develop new things and improve services.

Contact us

If you would like any more information about the team and the work they have done, please contact

And like our Facebook page for regular updates.

Last updated: January 31, 2025

Next review due: July 31, 2025

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