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Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Feedback

Summary report of key learnings, feedback and findings from the Autism and ADHD Assessment Pathway workshops


This is a summary of what we learned and heard from people at the Autism and ADHD workshops in 2021.

Key changes

The Pre-assessment Pathway for Autism and ADHD was launched in July 2021 after co-production across, Education, Health and Care for a test and learn period. Some of the key changes included:

  • All professionals who are involved with a child or young person, across Education, Health and Care, can request an assessment for Autism and/or ADHD provided there is evidence to do so.
  • The Next Steps form was designed for the purpose of requesting an assessment and indicates what evidence is needed.
  • Education settings link an assessment request to the graduated response, as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice.
  • Families where the child or young person is electively home educated are supported by the Somerset Parent Carer Forum to complete the Next Steps process if needed.
  • SENDIAS can be requested to provide mediation when families and schools are not in agreement on whether an assessment should be requested.
  • A multi-disciplinary triage (MDT) team was established across Education, Health and Care to consider assessment requests.
  • A pre-assessment ‘help-line’ email address was established for education colleagues to ask any questions they have, request a phone call, Team’s consultation, or seek clarification. This resource is also being used by a variety of colleagues across the workforce who support children and young people with needs and by parent carers.
  • A half-termly Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) discussion group was established to provide training, support, and opportunities for case discussions.


The following paper evaluates the changes to and implementation of the Pre-assessment Pathway and the transition to the Assessment Pathway Next Steps process in Somerset in 2022.

Positive reflections include:

  • SENCO s who feel they are supported by their senior leadership in their schools and have the time needed to carry out their role as a SENCO , have welcomed the pre-assessment pathway. They agree it fits with their role in carrying out a graduated response for children and young people seen as having Special Educational Needs (SEN). As one SENCO remarked, ‘We have been given a gift…’ There is no longer the need to work through the GP and wonder whether the GP has included the school information shared with them as evidence for a referral for an assessment.
  • A MDT team consider requests for assessments to ensure the right child or young person receives an assessment, and signposting those where an assessment is not agreed.
  • The depth of information provided through the Next Steps process and form far outweighs the information previously provided by GPs.
  • The support system in place for the pre-assessment pathway is rated as highly valuable and helpful for those who have used them. For example the email address and the SENCO support discussion groups that take place every half-term.

Last updated: November 19, 2024

Next review due: May 19, 2025

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