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Young Carers

A Young Carer is someone under 18 looking after someone by providing large amounts and regular care that continues over time


A Young Carer is someone under the age of 18 who looks after someone by regularly providing care that is important in maintaining the health, safety or day-to-day wellbeing of the person cared for and the wider family.

The types of tasks being carried out are often regular and would usually be done by an adult. The term does not apply to every day and occasional help around the home that may often be expected of or given by children in families.

This could be helping to care for a physically disabled parent or sibling, or a parent experiencing mental ill health, alcohol, or drug misuse. The caring role would usually be having a detrimental impact on the young person’s development, such as difficulties at school, emotional difficulties or social isolation.

We provide support, advice and respite breaks for young carers by aiming to:

  • Identify and support young people with caring responsibilities
  • Promote recognition and awareness of their needs and achievements
  • Work alongside other agencies to develop schemes and services which support young carers

How we can help

We can help you in a number of ways:

  • answer your questions and give you advice on anything you need to know
  • give you useful information for you and your family
  • introduce you to other young people who are in similar situations to you
  • speak out for you, making sure that your feelings and wishes are heard
  • we run regular groups, where you can take part in exciting and new activities, have a break from home life, and have fun with friends
  • we provide trips and activities during the year that can also give you a break and support from your caring role
  • we can talk to your school about what being a young carer means for you
  • we can signpost you to other organisations that can support you

Find a Young Carers Group


All referrals must be sent to our Customer Contact Children’s Team and completed using an early help assessment.

To find out more phone us on 0300 123 2224.

Somerset Young Carers Voice Group

We’re looking for 10 to 18-year-old young carers living in Somerset to form a group with other young carers to make their voices heard about

  • their rights
  • what matters to them
  • what they need to improve their lives

The Somerset Participation and Engagement Team is forming this new group and wants young carers to shape what the group will be and how best to make it work for them. From deciding the name of the group, when, where and how to meet, learning new skills and developing confidence, as well as deciding on the change that they want to make and importantly making friends – and having fun with other young carers with similar lived experiences.

Find out more and let us know if you are interested in joining by visiting our Expression of Interest page.

Young Carers in Schools Award

The Young Carers in Schools (YCiS) award aims to provide schools with the tools and resources to

  • support young carers
  • reduce negative impacts
  • give them the same access to education and future life chances as their peers

Many schools already deliver exceptional practice that makes a real and positive difference to the young carers they support. Other schools aim to achieve these outcomes for their young carers, but are unsure how to begin. The YCiS award helps schools to create a supportive environment for young carers by working through a simple task list to build up an offer to be proud of and that supports young carers to achieve their very best.

Youth UnLimited co-ordinate the Young Carers in Schools Award in Somerset on behalf of Somerset Council, with funding from Somerset Community Foundation.

Last updated: February 13, 2025

Next review due: August 13, 2025

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