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Hate crimes

Information on what hate crime is and what to do if you are experiencing it

About hate crimes

Hate crime is against the law and is a crime that the victim or any other person perceives to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards any aspect of a person’s identity. This could be about their disability, gender identity, race, ethnicity or nationality, religion, faith or belief, or sexual orientation.

It can take various forms ranging from verbal abuse, damage to personal property, physical abuse or written, or text abuse.

If you feel you or your family are becoming a victim of a hate crime, you can tell the police by phoning 101 or by using their secure online reporting form on the Avon and Somerset Police website. Or you can phone Stop Hate UK on 0800 138 1625 or go to the Stop Hate UK website.

True Vision is a national website that provides an online reporting facility and information about hate crimes, including support, data and personal safety tips.

Last updated: December 17, 2024

Next review due: June 17, 2025

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