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Carers assessments

If you are a carer, a carer's assessment is a chance to discuss your needs with us



Anyone can become a carer. It does not matter how old you are, your gender or background. The care you provide could be short or long-term. You may or may not live with the person you are a carer for.

If you are a carer, a carer’s assessment is a chance to discuss your needs with your local council. You can talk about anything during your carer’s assessment.

You might find it helpful to think about:

  • what caring tasks you do and how you feel about doing them
  • your relationship with the person you care for
  • if you get enough time for yourself – for example time to get out and about, meet other people and take part in leisure activities
  • how caring is affecting your mental and physical health
  • how caring is affecting your relationships with others
  • how caring is affecting your education and work life
  • whether the person you’re caring for is getting enough help
  • how willing or able you are to carry on caring
  • what would help make things easier for you.

Somerset Carers Service (Part of the Community Council for Somerset)

Caring for another person is very rewarding, but can be overwhelming and lonely at times.

You can receive support from Somerset Carers for free if you are over 18 and you look after someone in an ‘unpaid’ caring capacity (not employed or self employed as a Carer). If you are in receipt of benefits for your caring role you can still be supported by our service.

The person you look after could be a loved one, friend, partner, parent or child (it does not matter if they are under or over 18) on a regular or irregular basis.

We will do our utmost to make sure you receive the right support you need in your day-to-day life, by working with healthcare providers, and other local services to create a tailored, integrated package of care that works for you.

Asking for a carer assessment

You can also ask for a carer’s assessment by phoning 0300 123 2224.

For people who are D/deaf, hearing impaired, or have a speech impediment, please contact us by text message on 07862 122246 for a text relay service.

You can choose to have an assessment in your own right, or jointly with the person you care for. The assessment is carried out by a social care worker from the Council. This allows you to talk about your needs and the things you think could make caring easier for you.

After your carers assessment, your social care worker may be able to give you advice and information. If you are eligible the Council may be able to help you pay for some of the things you need.

Somerset Foundation Trust

The Somerset Foundation Trust offer a specialist carers support service, supporting the carers of people who have mental health conditions.

You can be referred by a professional or self-refer to access their services, provided that the person you are supporting is known to Somerset NHS mental health services.

The carers’ services team are based within community mental health teams across Somerset. The team can be contacted by telephone or email. Please visit Caring for someone with a mental health condition ( for more information.

Last updated: February 10, 2025

Next review due: August 10, 2025

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