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Accident prevention

Every year over 1,000 children in Somerset end up in hospital because of injuries caused by accidents

Accident prevention

Every year over 1,000 children in Somerset end up in hospital because of injuries caused by accidents like slips, scolds and swallowing household objects. Almost half of these injuries are caused by falls.

Most people assume their home is a safe place but most injuries to children under 5 happen at home. You can take simple actions to prevent serious injuries from happening. Lots of organisations provide information on how you minimise the risks to your family.

The service offers some ideas for families of what is available to improve your child’s safety at home and in the community. Their Occupational therapy service leaflets give examples of products available to assist home and car safety for children and young people with additional needs.
You can find lots of information about safety in your home, around water, railways and fireworks on the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service website.

The service offers a free Home Safety Visit for households with children under 18 years old or households with a disability, mobility issues or sensory loss. British Sign Language translations can be provided if required.  Find out more in the Local Offer Live video.

Families with additional needs can also find out about the signs to look out for and ways to deal with fire-setting behaviour including the Firesetter Intervention Programme.

Somerset Road Safety is committed to reducing the number of collisions and casualties on the county’s roads. They encourage safe road use through education, advice and training, engineering, and enforcement. You can find out more about the work they do on the Somerset Road Safety website.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) promotes safety and the prevention of accidents in the home, at work, at leisure, on the road and through safety education.
You can find more information about how to prevent accidents in the home on the Child Accident Prevention Trust website and on the Child Accident Prevention Trust Facebook page.
NHS Choices has lots of guidance to help prevent accidents. You can find baby and toddler safety information on the NHS website.

Last updated: December 17, 2024

Next review due: June 17, 2025

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