If you notice any sensory differences, the first thing to do is talk to your education setting (school, pre-school, nursery or college).
For children or young people not attending an educational setting, talk to your health visitor or GP instead.
Your educational setting will use the Graduated Response Tool and Sensory Processing Handbook to put in place support. This is called an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle.
There is lots of information available to identify problems and strategies, which parent carers can also use at home. Adapting the task or the environment around the young person can allow them to take part in a meaningful way despite their sensory processing difference. Many families find these help when strategies are tried one at a time. Read more in our resources to help you adapt the environment section.
Both parent carers and professionals can phone the Children and Young People’s Therapy Service advice line on 0303 033 3002.
This number is open between 9am and midday on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays (except bank holidays).