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Sensory Processing Handbook

The eight senses - guidance for practitioners in Somerset

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Perceiving the world differently when there are issues in the processing and organising of sensory information

When sensory processing occurs and what happensVideos

Part of
Sensory Processing Handbook

The eight senses - guidance for practitioners in Somerset



Information on the nature of sensory processing differences and the impact they can have on children and young people's lives

Somerset SEND CharterAbout sensory processingSensory processing differences or difficultiesInteroception – the eighth senseChecklists and assessments

The sensory system

Safe interventions for both children and young people, and groups


When sensory processing occurs and what happens

For most of us, sensory processing occurs automatically and unconsciously without any effort. Sensory processing differences / difficulties occur when there are issues in interpreting and organising the sensory information, or in creating adaptive response. When this happens, the child or young person perceived the world very differently and accordingly behaves differently.

People with sensory processing difficulties can present in quite a contrast to one another. Some can be ‘oversensitive’ to sensory information and will often aim to avoid certain sensory inputs. Others can be ‘under sensitive’ and will seek more sensory information to help them make sense of their world. There are also those who can appear to be both under and over sensitive at times. This indicates that they have difficulties with what is called ‘modulation’.

A broad range of children and young people are known to experience sensory processing difficulties. This includes those who have no other known additional needs, to those with a range of learning needs and those who have severe neurological impairments. A high number of children and young people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have sensory processing difficulties. This is recognised when a clinician carries out an assessment for Autism, as the DSM-V lists sensory processing difficulty as part of the criteria of traits and behaviours that may be apparent.

Sensory needs are also experienced by some children and young people who have attachment difficulties. When there are difficulties in interactions between an infant and their caregiver, the development of pathways within their brain that make sense of their experiences can become hindered. Children can subsequently struggle to tune into the messages their body is giving them. For example, if an infant has had limited touch through cradling, then the development of neurological pathways regarding the sense of touch may become impacted and the body’s way of understanding touch can be affected.

Additionally, children may appear to be ‘sensory seeking’ when in fact they are ‘sensory avoiding’. For example, if the stimulations in the classroom are overwhelming their visual or auditory ability, they may appear restless and overly active. Children may also have a threshold for stimulation and will not register low to medium stimulation. These children will need high stimulation to learn new things. They will often appear to be very involved in small groups when the teacher ensures they follow by altering their tone for example. They are likely to get lost in the classroom as the stimulation is too much for them and they are working to avoid it. The profile of needs can often look very complex.

For further information and training on sensory processing please feel free to use CYPTS training videos below for both schools and parents.


Last updated: September 11, 2024

Next review due: March 11, 2025

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