Sensory Processing Handbook

The eight senses - guidance for professionals in Somerset

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The eight senses - guidance for professionals in Somerset


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Sensory Processing Handbook

The eight senses - guidance for practitioners in Somerset



Information on the nature of sensory processing differences and the impact they can have on children and young people's lives

Somerset SEND CharterAbout sensory processingSensory processing differences or difficultiesInteroception – the eighth senseSensory Processing checklists and assessments

The sensory system

Safe interventions for both children and young people, and groups



Somerset Council and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, recognise the impact that sensory processing difficulties can have upon participation in daily activities. Together, through multi-professional and multi-agency intervention, we are committed to supporting education settings, children, young people and their families. 

This guidance provides up-to-date information on the nature of sensory processing differences and difficulties, and the impact they can have on the lives of children and young people. It provides information on a number of safe interventions for individual children and young people, and groups. There are also recommendations about the creation of appropriate learning environments for those experiencing these difficulties. This handbook provides helpful ideas and strategies that can be incorporated into a child or young person’s sensory plan if needed.

This handbook, which has been written primarily for professionals supporting school-aged children and young people is a collaboration between the following:


Parent carers can find out more about the support available and strategies to use at home on our sensory processing pathway.

Last updated: November 13, 2024

Next review due: May 13, 2025

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