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All results (284)

Autism and ADHD SENCO Discussion Group – sign up now

February 29, 2024


These termly sessions are for SENCOs to support with the pre-assessment pathway. There is a theme for each session, and time for questions and answers, case discussion and updates about the pathway. The next discussion groups taking place are on…

New Parenting Cafes for separated parents

February 29, 2024


Separation is often a difficult process for all involved. Somerset Council is piloting several Parenting Cafe’s for separated parents. At the Parenting Cafes, parents will have the opportunity to meet and chat with other parents who are going through similar…

Calling all Social Workers!

February 29, 2024


Social Work Week is coming up in March, and we want you to be a part of it! This is a great opportunity to showcase the amazing work that you do and to celebrate the impact that you have on…

School Entry Planning (SEP) Review – SENCO and Parent feedback forms

February 29, 2024


The School Entry Planning Review (SEPR) is an important part of the transition process for children with SEND and their parents to ensure that outcomes discussed at the SEP meeting in the Summer Term have been met or what steps…

For the Attention of School SENCOs – Moving on from MAISEY – surveys for parent carers and professionals

February 29, 2024


Have your say! Please contribute to how we work together to meet the needs of young children with SEND in Somerset. Further to our recent communication informing you of the ceasing of MAISEY meetings (Multi-agency identification and support in the…

Wise up Workshops from Somerset Parent Carer Forum

February 29, 2024


The Somerset Parent Carer Forum have created a range of fantastic workshops based on topics parents have expressed would be helpful – Workshops for Information, Support and Education (WISE). All the workshops are delivered or co-delivered by someone with lived experience of…

Unstoppables Update

February 29, 2024


Thank you Gaby! Our amazing SEND YPC Gaby has now finished her role as young person’s champion and is now the Engagement and Participation Worker for our regional forum CYPSA (Children and young people self-advocacy). We’re so proud of how…

Local Offer Live Roadshow!

February 29, 2024


We run a series of events throughout a week to help you understand the services available for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities in Somerset. But this March, The Local Offer is going on the road, and…

Celebration event for a youth voice superhero, Josh Lancaster!

February 29, 2024


Staff and young people came together at County Hall in Taunton, to celebrate the achievements of a very special young person, our youth voice superhero, Josh Lancaster! Josh is unique in youth voice by being a member of the Unstoppables,…

Welcome from Councillor Heather Shearer

January 25, 2024


Hello and welcome to the first SEND Newsletter of 2024. I am delighted to have this first chance to speak to you all. From the first of this month, I have had the privilege of taking on the role of…

SEND Accelerated Progress Plan progress and Feedback Letter

January 25, 2024


On the 4th of January, representatives from DfE and NHS England visited Somerset to review the area’s progress in the delivery of its Accelerated Progress Plan (APP). The APP was implemented following the OFSTED/CQC inspection a year ago, which judged…

Somerset’s SEND Local Offer Update

January 25, 2024


We’ve been hearing a lot from people about how important it is to have face to face support and the opportunity to connect with others who understand your struggles.  Over the last six months we have been expanding and enhancing…

Save the Date! Somerset’s SEND Local Offer Live Roadshow

January 25, 2024


Save the dates! Somerset SEND’s Local Offer Live is taking to the road and will be coming to a town near you! Burnham – Monday 4th March, 10am -2pm Yeovil- Tuesday 5th March, 5pm – 7pm Minehead -Wednesday 5th March,…

Wise -up Workshops

January 25, 2024


The Somerset Parent Carer Forum have created a range of fantastic workshops based on topics parents have expressed would be helpful – Workshops for Information, Support and Education (WISE). All the workshops are delivered or co-delivered by someone with lived experience of…

School Admissions Criteria – last chance to have your say

January 25, 2024


Somerset Council are asking people to have their say on the proposed changes to admission arrangements for Somerset schools from the academic year 2025 to 2026. Admissions arrangements can include catchment area boundaries, published admission numbers and the criteria used…

Make Your Mark, the UK’s biggest consultation for 11-18s, goes live from Monday 29th January

January 25, 2024


Schools and Colleges can enable their young people to participate in the biggest democratic ballot and help platform youth voice. This years Make Your Mark ballot for young people aged 11-18 years goes live from Monday 29th January to Friday…

Inclusion Advice Line

January 25, 2024


What is the Inclusion Advice Line? The Inclusion Advice Line (IAL) is to there to help with any queries or concerns in relation to SEND, Children Looked After, or school attendance. They can be general queries and concerns, or specific…

Connect Somerset – Team Around the School

January 25, 2024


Concerned about a pupil? Need early help for a pupil or their family? If so, your Team Around the School could help. Your Team Around the School can help you get help quickly. Just pick up the phone and talk…

SENCO listening event – Delivery of Provision in EHC plans

January 25, 2024


An invitation for SENCOs and SEND leads to attend a listening event to gather feedback about the delivery of the provision specified in Education Health and Care plans. As part of the improvement work following the joint Ofsted and CQC…

Early Years SEND and School Entry Planning Update

January 25, 2024


Below are two important updates from Inclusion SEN Support Services. School Entry Planning (SEP) Review – SENCO and Parent feedback forms We hope that the Early Years Foundation Stage children with special educational needs have settled well at school and…