Discovery – Support for Employment

Discovery – Support for Employment provide services for adults with a learning difficulty who want to find and keep a job or become self-employed.

They help with:

  • Vocational profiling and CV development
  • Job searching and filling in applications.
  • Interview skills and support
  • Job Coaching
  • Regular review and maintenance

Debbie explains more about what Discovery do and how you can access their support as part of October 2022 Local Offer Live sessions.

Contact Discovery – Support for Employment

Skill Up Somerset – Apprenticeship and Skills Advisory Service

You can find free impartial advice and guidance about Apprenticeships and Supported Employment on the Skill Up Somerset website

Find out more about what Skill Up Somerset do and how you can access their support in the video below.

Jobcentre Plus

Jobcentre Plus will support Universal Credit, New Style Jobseekers Allowance and Employment Support Allowance claimants to take steps to find work or get closer to the labour market depending on circumstances. There is a range of provisions available to help newly unemployed and those out of the labour market for a while, back into work. You can find out more here

Access to Work grant

An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support to help you start or stay at work if you have a disability or health condition including mental health. You can read more on our Access to work fund page.

Last reviewed: November 20, 2023 by Gemma

Next review due: May 20, 2024

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