Council Tax enquiries - There may be delays in speaking to our Customer Service Team due to a high volume of calls.
You can find information about your Council Tax bill on our Your Council Tax bill explained page.

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Preparing for the future

Decisions that need to be made at each age

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Part of
Preparing for the future

Decisions that need to be made at each age


Things to consider

Including education, health, social care, transport and travel, finance and benefits

At year 9 (age 13 to 14)At year 10 (age 14 to 15)At year 11 (age 15 to 16)At years 12 and 13 (age 17 to 19)For young adults (age 19 to 25)


It is expected that most young people with Education, Health and care plans will have completed their further education by the age of 19, but some do need longer to complete their education and training.

An EHC plan will not be stopped as soon as you turn 19, but it will take account of whether the education or training outcomes have been achieved.

When you are close to finishing your education and training, the final annual review should be used to agree the support needed to help engage with adult services.

See our Education, health and care plan after the annual review page for more information.

Social care

People over the age of 18 who have eligible care and support needs may have to contribute to the cost of their care and support. A financial assessment will be done to see how much you can afford to contribute.

Transport and travel

Travel assistance may be provided for 19 to 25-year-olds in education for a first course of study only, and based on individual needs. This is for students with the most severe disabilities with no other means of transportation.

Applications need to be made each year and will not automatically continue each year.

See our Over 16 student transport page for more information.

Finance and benefits

Benefit claim

If you make a benefit claim you should be invited to meet a work coach at the Job Centre. They will discuss your needs and any barriers to work. You may have a Work Capability Assessment or be offered a specialist employment programme to support you into work.

See our Support for work page for more information.

Access to Work

Access to Work can cover the additional support you may need if you have a disability, health condition or mental health condition for your job. This can include

  • adaptations to equipment you use
  • fares to work if you cannot use public transport
  • a support worker
  • job coach to help you in the workplace

See our Access to Work page for more information.

Disabled Students Allowance

Disabled Students Allowance can cover the additional support you may need if you have a disability, health problem or learning difficulty for higher education. This can include

  • specialist equipment
  • non-medical helpers, such as a British Sign Language interpreter
  • extra travel assistance
  • other disability related study support

See our Higher Education page for more information.

Last updated: January 31, 2024

Next review due: July 31, 2024

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