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My Important Stuff

A place to record people, groups and organisations that can support you.

Understanding My Important Stuff

Every child and young person should know about activities and support in Somerset.

This document helps you keep and share your important information with key people. You don’t need the internet to use it.

Using My Important Stuff

This paper document lets you write down information about yourself. Include people and groups that support you. You can take it with you and show it to others to help them understand your needs.

Download it below or call 0300 123 2224 to get a copy sent to you.

You may like to have support to fill this in from:

  • Your parent/ carers,
  • Somebody from your school,
  • Somebody from your local library.

One-Page Profile

Write a brief profile about yourself.  Include what is important to you and how you like to be supported.  Use words, pictures, or both. This helps others understand you quickly.

If you meet a new professional, share this page with them first.

Circles of support

Think of your support as circles. Circles of support may often start small but as you try more things and build more relationships, circles often grow.

  • Me
  • People I see often: family or friends, teacher, PA or carer, neighbours
  • People I see sometimes: GP, occupational therapists or social worker
  • Places I can go: community groups, libraries and transport options
  • People who can help me but don’t know me: NHS 111, SENDIAS, other services like Kooth and Mindline

It is important to know who is in your circle and how to contact them.  This document records your circles of support.

How was My Important Stuff created?

My Important Stuff was first developed by Harry Tavare, a Young Person’s Champion, in 2016.  Harry consulted with young people, parent carers and practitioners while creating ‘My Important Stuff’ to make sure it was fully co-produced and user-friendly.  The name ‘My Important Stuff’ was chosen by young people.

Harry said:

Creating ‘My Important Stuff’ meant a lot to me.

I wanted children and young people with SEND to have the opportunity to write down information about themselves in one place.

This includes people, groups and organisations that can support them.

Children and young people can carry ‘My Important Stuff’ wherever they go and help others understand their needs. This will help them feel listened to.

We noticed in 2022 that people hadn’t been downloading the ‘My Important Stuff’ document as much.  You told us that was because no one had told you about it.  It also wasn’t very attractive to look at or fill in.

In 2023, Alice Crockett a Young Person’s Champion, and The Unstoppables tested it out and made it better. It is now more colourful with pictures and space to doodle.  The document takes you on a journey thinking about the people close to you that you see every day, things to help you access your local community, and the services that won’t know who you are but can still help you.  And also support for getting around more independently.  We have given descriptions of what services are rather than expecting young people to guess from the name.

Email us at with your thoughts about using ‘My Important Stuff’.

Last updated: January 29, 2025

Next review due: July 29, 2025

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