Local Employment Programmes

Local supported job opportunities to develop your skills and experience

SEND information - part of our Local Offer


You can find live supported employment vacancies on the Somerset EBP website.  You can also subscribe to receive information on careers activities in Somerset.

Somerset Council supported employment opportunities

We offer supported employment opportunities for young people with SEND and Care Leavers. These include apprenticeships and work experience placements. Apprenticeships usually last 18 months. Work experiences placements last up to two weeks.  You receive dedicated support from your line manager, apprenticeship tutor, a job coach and learning support assistant. This wrap around support will allow you to achieve your potential within a varied workplace.

There are lots of areas to work in, including Human Resources (known as HR), business administration, IT (Information Technology) and the Leaving Care Team.

Somerset Education Business Partnership have produced skills maps that explain a bit more about these job roles. For example the tasks, skills and qualification required.

For more information, email HROD@somerset.gov.uk and ask for Misha Liddiatt or Michael Wood.

Please keep an eye on Somerset Council’s jobs and career page for all current employment opportunities, including apprenticeships.

NHS SWAPs Programme

Sector-based Work Academy Programme (SWAP) is a training and support programme designed to help people into jobs and start a new career in Somerset NHS Foundation Trust and across health and social care.

SWAPs are for anyone 18 years or older who has a low income (below £17,004 per year), is unemployed, or is facing redundancy.

The free training programme provides the introductory skills and knowledge needed to take up any of the hundreds of roles waiting to be filled by caring and motivated people across Somerset. There are two weeks virtual training leading to a Gateway Level 1 qualification in Health and Social Care, and then one week working on CV writing and interview techniques and NHS training modules depending on the roles.

All SWAPs candidates who complete their training are guaranteed an interview. This could lead to jobs to suit every aspiration and circumstance, with flexible and permanent opportunities.

You can choose flexible working in administration, Healthcare Assistant and Mental health roles. Or fixed term and permanent positions in roles across all departments, both full and part time.

SEND information - part of our Local Offer

Avon and Somerset Police Pathway to Employment

Pathway to Employment is a supported employment programme. It helps you:

  • develop skills in real-life job situations
  • prepare you for the workplace
  • gain independence for adult life.

You must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC plan) and want to move into employment. Entry is subject to a successful interview and initial assessment.

The programme centres on a work placement with Avon and Somerset Police which starts after October half term for at least two days a week.  You will attend lessons on site, at College, including English and maths, employability and tutorials. You will also develop your employability skills to support your progression within the workplace.

Assessment is through a portfolio of evidence including photographs, practical and written assessments. Staff also observe you in lessons and on work placement. Your progress will be monitored using personalised targets through a learner journey. You will take English and/or maths qualifications if needed.

Last updated: January 7, 2025

Next review due: July 7, 2025

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