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Community transport in Somerset

A service for people who do not have access to public transport and are without access to suitable alternative transport

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A service for people who do not have access to public transport and are without access to suitable alternative transport

About Community TransportMendip areaSedgemoor areaSouth Somerset areaTaunton and West Somerset area

About Community Transport

Community Transport Schemes can offer transport for individuals as well as group hire. Some also offer door-to-door services. Community Transport is provided by a number of independent charitable, non-profit-making groups, companies and organisations.

Who can use it

Community Transport is for people who do not have access to public transport and are without access to suitable alternative transport.

These services can be used for a variety of reasons, including health appointments, shopping, commuting to and from work, social events, evening classes and making links with other public transport. Each service operates differently and covers different areas, so please check with the individual operators in your area.

How you can use it

To use Community Transport services you must first register with the operator. Once you are registered with the scheme, you can make your booking. Journeys are usually booked with at least 24 hours notice, and operators can generally be flexible about pick-up and drop-off points and times. Regular bookings can be made with some providers.


Fares vary, so please get in touch with the individual operator to find out more. Concessionary fares may be available to Somerset residents who are English National Concessionary Travel Scheme Pass holders. For more information please contact the operator.

Who to contact

Community transport organisations are listed below under the area where they operate. Please use the links for further detailed information.

Mendip area

Mendip Community Transport operates accessible vehicles for community groups, the disabled, elderly, frail, visually or mobility impaired and similar disadvantaged groups and individuals, residing in the Mendip and Sedgemoor areas. It also provides hospital car service. Phone 01749 880613 (9am to 4pm) or email

Sedgemoor area

Wedmore Community Bus for residents of Wedmore and the surrounding area. See their website for operating times and contact details.

South Somerset area

Community Transport South West operates a fleet of 15 wheelchair accessible minibuses, 5 small wheelchair accessible vehicles, over 40 volunteer car drivers (using their own vehicles) and Slinky services in South Somerset. Phone 01935 477399 (9am to 5pm) or email

Crewkerne Voluntary Transport – Group transport for residents of Crewkerne, Merriot, Hinton and surrounding areas. No hospital or medical transport is available. Phone 01460 271669 (9.30am to 3.30pm) or email

South Somerset Community Accessible Transport (SSCAT) – The Community Accessible Transport (CAT) bus is available to people of all ages who cannot use the normal bus route for whatever reason. Our buses have wheelchair access and can accommodate one wheelchair on any journey. For residents of Bruton, Castle Cary, Wincanton and surrounding areas. Phone 01963 33864 or email

Taunton and West Somerset area

Accessible Transport West Somerset (ATWest) operates many services in West Somerset including shopper buses, travel club day trips, and group hire for the community. Phone 01643 709701 or email

Blackdown Support Group  – Wheelchair accessible MPV transport service and volunteer car scheme for residents of the Blackdown Hills who have no other means of transport. Service provides transport to medical appointments (includes local GP Practices, hospital or other secondary healthcare), plus transport for social purposes, such as regular day care, social or support groups, exercise classes, shopping trips and more. Phone 01823 681 036.

Exmoor Community Bus – The Community bus is used by many organisations within the Exmoor area for various trips. Phone 07970 149123. Email:

Somerset Accessible Transport – Serving the Taunton and Wellington area. Available for individual transport and group hire. Please phone for more information on 01823 331266.

WiveyLink – For residents of Wiveliscombe and surrounding areas. The service operates Monday to Friday from approximately 8am to 6pm, excluding Bank Holidays. The only requirements are that you need to be registered and that you pre-book by 11am the day before. Phone 01984 624666 or email

Watchet Drives – For residents of the Watchet area. Running times are 7am to 10pm any day. Phone 07599 955096 (9am to 12pm Tuesday to Friday)

If these organisations cannot meet your transport needs you may be able to use SLINKY services or a Community Car Scheme.

Last updated: March 26, 2025

Next review due: September 26, 2025

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