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About preparing for adult life

Information for young people on the journey to adult life


‘The more opportunities we have to make decisions in our lives, the more confident we will become. By making our own decisions we can accept challenges, understand risk and learn from mistakes. This is okay!’

I am Kiah Durham and I have worked with other people to help professionals understand what transitions mean to us and the young people we represent.

We believe it is important for young people to make their own decisions and think about the future, and be at the forefront of the decision-making process.

As we become older the decisions become bigger and potentially life-changing.

If families and practitioners support us, we will become more resilient. If we have a knock-back in life, it is important for us to keep motivating ourselves to achieve and succeed.

Transitions are often a difficult word for many young people to understand and relate to. Young people told us that they wanted to explore opportunities and it was important that this happened near where they lived. So, we designed a concept called ‘Choices for Life’. You can read more in our Choices for Life Strategy.

We felt that transition should challenge the people who work with us and support us so that we understand our opportunities. This should be a partnership between all of us. To help us progress into adult life and reach our goals, we want to challenge you to think about your future lives around these questions.

We have designed this section of the website to cover these things.

My Important Stuff was developed by Harry Tavare in 2016 and updated by Alice Crockett in 2023, both Young Person’s Champions.  This document gives you the opportunity to write down information about yourselves in one place. This includes people, groups and organisations that can support you. You can carry ‘My Important Stuff’ wherever you go, know who to contact and help others understand your needs. You can download it here or call the Contact Centre on 0300 123 2224. They will print one off and send it to you.

Update in progress

Alice Crockett, Young Person’s Champion is currently reviewing and updating this section.

If you have any suggestions use the feedback link at the bottom of the page or email

Last updated: August 27, 2024

Next review due: February 27, 2025

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