Council Tax enquiries - There may be delays in speaking to our Customer Service Team due to a high volume of calls.
You can find information about your Council Tax bill on our Your Council Tax bill explained page.

Money advice

When the money you have is limited, it is really important to keep track of your finances so that you don't spend more than you can afford


Having a child with additional needs can have an impact on a family’s finances. It costs more to raise a disabled child than a non-disabled child and it can be difficult to do both paid work and caring.

Worrying about money can cause lots of stress.


Sudden changes to the income of a family can add pressures which impact on your wellbeing. Working out a budget is a really good way to keep on top of your finances. Doing this will help you work out if you have enough money to do the things you need or would like to do.

You can find more information on budgeting on Citizens Advice website. You can also use a free online Budget Planner tool to help keep track of your money.

Financial help

The related pages on benefits and grants can help you understand the different financial help available. Some families are not claiming the benefits they are entitled to.

The independent organisations listed in the ‘Other information’ section have information about what help you can get.

The pages in help with costs explain how to claim extra money if you are on a low income are unemployed a,carer or have an illness or disability.

Last updated: March 17, 2025

Next review due: September 17, 2025

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