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Local Offer resources

Things to help you publicise the Local Offer to the people you work with


In the same way that SEND is everyone’s business, so is raising awareness of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer. Parent carers tell us they wish the professionals working with them had informed them about the site sooner.

To make things easier, we have created various resources that can be used in both big events and personal conversations. These resources aim to raise awareness about how parent carers can access the appropriate services when they need them. They also encourage how to feedback about the Local Offer. If you are interested in using physical resources such as banners and giant Jenga, you can reserve them by filling in this form.


Following requests, Alice the Local Offer Young Persons Champion developed an online learning module on Somerset’s SEND Local Offer.  It is for people who work or volunteer within services that support parent carers who may have children and young people (aged 0 to 25 years) with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Designed to help you understand where you can go to find information and support and how you can share this with the people you are working with.

For Somerset Council staff you can access on The Learning Centre (select ‘Single Sign On’).

For external staff or volunteers you can access on The Learning Centre as a guest (select ‘Manual Login’).


A wide range of visual resources perfect for all your events or meetings.

Roller banners can be used next door to the stage, your stand, market stall or simply in reception or a waiting room to catch people’s eye as they arrive.

Packed up they are 85cm x 11cm x 11cm

In use they are 80cm wide x 200cm tall

Vertical roller banner with SEND Partnership logo at top, description of contents of Somerset's SEND Local Offer and QR codes to go to the Local Offer website and sign up for the regular SEND News email bulletin.

Banners can be used on fences, walls or the back of your gazebo to catch people’s eye as they arrive.  They are easiest to fix with zip ties but string or hooks can also be used, there are 7 eyelets along the top/bottom and 3 along the sides.

Packed up they are 110cm x 13cm x 13cm

In use they are 300cm wide x 100cm tall

Horizontal banner with image of children playing parachute games, and SEND Partnership branding including partners logos, and a QR code to go to the Local Offer website.

Some of the most commonly asked questions or viewed pages are summarised with QR codes to take people straight to the page if they scan with their mobile. It gives a view of what the Local Offer website looks like and the breadth of information and support they can find on it. Topics are laminated and attached by Velcro so can be moved around and swapped based on audience need.

Packed up they are 92cm x 61cm x 6cm

In use they are approximately 140cm wide x 83cm tall x 20cm deep

Black fold out display boards with key parts of the Local Offer summarised and QR codes to access.

Posters can be used on noticeboards, windows or walls. Contact for hard copies or download and print below.


There are loads of cool ways to spread the word about the Local Offer. You can do all sorts of stuff, like have fun activities at events or print activities for children to do in waiting rooms. Let’s get the word out there!

The Giant Jenga can be used on a stand, market stall, or simply as an activity for a group.  Playing Jenga is a bit like trying to navigate your way through the SEND system, in particular finding the right information to help you help yourself.  It’s a great conversation starter for example talking about the areas of information we have as each brick is pulled out and a conversation started about the topic it is labelled with – QR codes can take people straight to that page if they are interested.  There are a few blank blocks give a chance to talk about what you struggle to find. It comes with some display signs and a set of conversation topics and accessibility considerations.

Packed up it is 45 x 20 x 32 cm; 14.5 kg, each block being 17.4 x 5.8 x 4.5 cm

In use it starts at 17.4 x 17.4 x 90 cm but needs about 4m² floorspace .

The Giant Dominoes can be used on a stand, market stall or simply as an activity for a group. Playing dominoes keeps children occupied whilst you talk to adults. It also gives a bit of a conversation starter about the breadth of information available on the Local Offer – QR codes can take people straight to that menu if they are interested.

Packed up it is 14 x 7 x 38 cm; 1.8 kg, each block being 13 x 6.3 x 1.2 cm

In use it needs about 4m² floorspace.

Fly the Local Offer through the sky – how far can you spread the message?  Print out a template and follow the instructions to turn a piece of A4 paper into a glider.

Books can be a helpful tool providing guidance on a parent carers journey. They can be easy to get lost in too, so a handy bookmark or page keeper can help you keep track, whilst reminding where and what Somerset’s SEND Local Offer is.

Want to signpost parent carers to helpful books? Don’t forget Somerset Libraries have both the Somerset Neurodiversity Collection and Reading Well self-help books that cover children and young people’s mental health and long term conditions. Somerset Parent Carer Forum also have a resource library free for members to borrow from.


Files you can use to help spread awareness of our Local Offer during meetings and communications.

To set your backdrop in MSTeams during a call click on Background filters just below your video image. Select Add new and then select the jpeg from where you saved it (probably downloads folder) to upload.

To set your backdrop in Zoom during a call click on More in the controls. Select Background and Effects and choose + to add a new image and then select the jpeg from where you saved it (probably downloads folder) to upload.  Select Close after selecting the background to return to the meeting.

Note, don’t panic if it looks backwards, it will be the right way round for people on the call.

Use these frames to add frames and overlays.

  • SEND social media frame 1 (.PNG 145KB) – A purple box frame to overlay on social media graphics to promote and show the service you offer is part of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer .
  • SEND social media frame 2 (.PNG 139KB) – A simple purple bottom banner with white background to use on social media graphics to promote and show the service you offer is part of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer.
  • SEND social media frame 3 (.PNG 146KB) – A simple purple bottom banner with transparent background to use on social media graphics to promote and show the service you offer is part of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer.
  • SEND social media overlay full (.PNG 170KB) – A top and bottom banner with cut out shapes and transparent background to use on social media graphics to promote and show the service you offer is part of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer.
  • SEND social media overlay half (.PNG 154KB) – A bottom banner with cut out shapes and transparent background to use on social media graphics to promote and show the service you offer is part of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer.
Put the Local Offer banner in your email signature to remind people how to find information about SEND services.

In Microsoft Outlook go to File > Options > Mail > Signatures.  In the ‘Signatures and Stationary’ panel, click on the image button to add an image. Find the SEND email signature image from your files and click ‘Insert’. Once you have inserted the image, select the image by clicking on it, then click on the hyperlink button.  Next, enter the URL into the box labelled address and click ok. Finally, click ok to close the remaining pop-up window. You may need to reselect your signature the first time you use it. 

SEND email signature – Local Offer banner for use in signatures (.jpeg 123KB)

My Important Stuff

Printable and personalised version of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer

This document gives you the opportunity to write down information about yourselves in one place. This includes people, groups and organisations that can support you. You can carry ‘My Important Stuff’ wherever you go, know who to contact and help others understand your needs.  You can download it here or or phone the Contact Centre on 0300 123 2224. They will print one off and send it to you. Find out more about My Important Stuff and how to use it.

Last updated: March 5, 2025

Next review due: September 5, 2025

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