Due to essential maintenance, some of our forms will be unavailable from 5.30pm on Monday 31 March to 11am on Tuesday 1 April. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Human support for understanding SEND services

Helping people to understand the information we are sharing with them

Part of
Local Offer Accessibility Strategy

Somerset’s approach in ensuring accessibility for all

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Part of
Local Offer Accessibility Strategy

Somerset’s approach in ensuring accessibility for all


Getting to Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Helping people to get here, removing barriers to viewing the Local Offer website.

Local Offer digital inclusionHuman support for finding the Local Offer

Navigating Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Helping people work their way around the Local Offer, removing barriers to navigating the Local Offer website and the wider SEND system.

Website accessibilityAccessibility and human support for navigating SEND services

Understanding Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Helping people to understand the information we are sharing with them.

Web content auditsHuman support for understanding SEND services

Using services within Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Increasing confidence in our SEND services, in particular removing barriers to using universal services and empowering families to promote their independence.

Using services within Somerset’s SEND Local Offer

Improving accessibility of Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Feeding back to help us improve

Improving accessibility of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer


To ensure Somerset’s SEND Local Offer is accessible to all, we need to focus on helping people to understand the information we are sharing with them. We are committed to ensuring our services and staff are accessible and approachable, working collaboratively in an open, honest and transparent way.

Somerset Parent Carer Forum

Somerset Parent Carer Forum feels passionately about ensuring all our children have the best chance in life and receive the correct support and services in order to achieve their full potential. The forum runs regular coffee mornings (Chill and Chat) to provide opportunities for families to meet up and share time in a non-judgemental atmosphere with people who get it. In addition, throughout the year they run information events, training sessions and produce newsletters.


Support, information and advice is available to SEND families. This can include information on Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessments and Plans. The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Advice Service (SENDIAS) is free, confidential and impartial.

CCS Village & Community Agents

CCS Village and Community Agents provide confidential, practical community-based solutions for you, wherever you are in Somerset. They can support adults (parent carers) who are struggling with a problem that can be fixed or improved by accessing the right people or services in the local community.

Choice Advice

The Somerset Choice Advice Service is a free impartial service to help families with school admissions, appeals and transitions. It exists to ensure that parents are able to play an active and informed role in securing a school place for their child. Information can be provided about all schools in your area, however it is families who decide the best choice to make for their child’s requirements.

The Enham Trust

If families request to receive a Direct Payment they can get support to administer it from The Enham Trust.

SEND Information Organisations Group

The SEND Information Organisations Group is a network of national organisations who provide free information, advice and support to children and young people with SEND and their families.

Last updated: November 13, 2024

Next review due: May 13, 2025

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