Local Offer Accessibility Strategy

Somerset’s approach in ensuring accessibility for all


The Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND) Code of Practice (2015) 0 to 25 years outlines that local authorities need to provide a local offer that is widely ‘accessible for all’.

This accessibility plan explains our way of making sure services are accessible to everyone, including people with different needs and those without access to the internet.

When we talk about ‘accessibility’ we mean giving people equal opportunities, no matter what their ability or circumstances.

For example, it is wrong to exclude someone from

  • a physical building because they are in a wheelchair
  • a website because they have a visual impairment

We are all different, but we are all human, and therefore have the same human rights.

Somerset’s SEND Local Offer needs to be accessible to all families with a child or young person with a special educational need and/or disabilities (SEND) including the young people with SEND themselves.

We are also aware that parent carers of children and young people with SEND may have additional needs themselves.

Part of
Local Offer Accessibility Strategy

Somerset’s approach in ensuring accessibility for all


Getting to Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Helping people to get here, removing barriers to viewing the Local Offer website.

Digital inclusionHuman support for finding the Local Offer

Navigating Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Helping people work their way around the Local Offer, removing barriers to navigating the Local Offer website and the wider SEND system.

Website accessibilityAccessibility and human support for navigating SEND services

Understanding Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Helping people to understand the information we are sharing with them.

Web content auditsHuman support for understanding SEND services

Using services within Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Increasing confidence in our SEND services, in particular removing barriers to using universal services and empowering families to promote their independence.

Using services within Somerset’s SEND Local Offer

Improving accessibility of Somerset's SEND Local Offer

Feeding back to help us improve

Improving accessibility of Somerset’s SEND Local Offer

Last updated: February 12, 2025

Next review due: August 12, 2025

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