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Accessible toilets and changing places

Changing Places are designed so that they are completely accessible and provide sufficient space and equipment for people who are not able to use the toilet independently

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Changing Places are designed so that they are completely accessible and provide sufficient space and equipment for people who are not able to use the toilet independently

About Changing PlacesRadar National Key Scheme

About Changing Places

Changing Places are special toilets. They are completely accessible. Sufficient space and equipment is provided for people who cannot use the toilet by themselves. They must be additional facilities, along with accessible toilets for those who can use them independently.

A Changing Place must have enough space. A recommended minimum size is 3 metres by 4 metres. The ceiling should be at least 2.4 meter high.

Equipment that should be included:

  • an adult-sized changing bench that is at least 1800 mm long and 800 mm wide. This bench should be height adjustable. It can be either freestanding or attached to the wall
  • hoist to move between the changing bench, basin and toilet. This hoist is often attached to the ceiling or wall. However, a mobile hoist is okay if a track-mounted lifter is not possible. The hoist should meet the standard BS EN ISO 10535.
  • a toilet which must be a peninsular installation, with at least one metre of clear space on each side. It can be an automatic wash and dry toilet or a standard manual one. The seat height should be 480 mm
  • a washbasin, either a standard model or on that can change height. If its not height adjustable, it should be between 720 and 740 mm from the floor
  • a curtain or screen to provide privacy for the user and carers
  • non-slip flooring
  • a wide tear-off paper roll in a dispenser close to the changing bench
  • a large waste bin for disposing of pads

These features are added to a standard accessible toilet:

  • grab rails where appropriate to provide the necessary support
  • emergency alarm to call for help if needed. Make sure that the red cord always hangs freely so that it can be used quickly

The Changing Places Consortium started its campaign in 2006. They did this for over 250,000 people who cannot use standard accessible toilets. This includes older people and people with

  • profound and multiple learning disabilities
  • motor neurone disease
  • multiple sclerosis
  • cerebral palsy

Many people need access to Changing Places to use the toilet safely and comfortably. These facilities offer more space and the right equipment, like a height-adjustable changing bench and a hoist.

For questions about England, Wales and Northern Ireland visit the Changing Places website or email

You can find your nearest changing place whilst you travel using this interactive map.

Radar National Key Scheme

The RADAR National Key Scheme (NKS) provides special keys for registered disabled people to access locked public toilets around the UK.

You can find more information about RADAR keys on the Motability website. You can buy one online.

Last updated: February 20, 2025

Next review due: August 20, 2025

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