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Accessible sports

Options for inclusive or adapted sport in Somerset

About parasports

Some parasports have been created for people with a specific disability and do not have an able-bodied equivalent.


Age restrictions to join each sport vary, so please check first.


There are lots of different types of football to play if you have additional needs

For example powerchair football, frame football, amputee football, cerebral palsy football, blind or partially sighted football and deaf football.  Find out more from Football Your Way from the England Football Association, or follow Somerset Football Association locally.

Frame Football Skills Cards can support you to play frame football at home, in the garden or in outdoor spaces with family and friends. See also The Wheelchair Football Association and follow Frome Falcons Powerchair Football Club locally.

Wheelchair American football

Wheelchair American football is a team sport that is played with an oval ball.

Points are scored by touchdowns and field goals. Wheelchair American football is an adapted game that can be played by wheelchair users and non-wheelchair users. Visit British American Football for more information or follow Somerset Wyverns AFC locally.

Wheelchair rugby

A sport that incorporates elements of rugby, hocky and volleyball.

 An oval ball is used, and tackles are made in the same way as tag rugby. You have to score tries. Visit World Wheelchair Rugby for more information or follow Taunton Gladiators Wheelchair Rugby locally.


Cricket is a sport that is truly for all.

 Somerset Cricket Foundation offer accessible cricket in through a variety of offers; Table Cricket and SEN specific sessions, Community Hubs, Walking Cricket (slower paced), and performance cricket with visually impaired and Disability County teams. See also Blind Cricket England & Wales or follow  VICricket locally.


Tennis is a sport where you are on a court with a net in between you and your opponent.

You hit the ball over the net using a tennis racket. Visit Somerset Lawn Tennis for more information about wheelchair and visually impaired tennis sessions locally.

Visually impaired lawn bowls

Lawn bowls involves rolling a ball, so it stops close to a smaller ball.

People with visual impairments can make various adjustments for example have an assistant, audio description, use pieces of string or v notches cut into the mat to help. Find out more at Disability Bowls England and Visually Impaired Bowls England (VIBE) or follow Yeovil Visually Impaired Bowls Club and Bridgwater Visually Impaired Bowls Club for locally.

Frame running

A Frame Runner is a three wheeled frame where the athlete is supported by a saddle and body plate.

The athlete propels against the frame using their feet, and steers using the mobility within their hands and/or arms. Find out more at Cerebral Palsy Sport and follow local frame running clubs in North Devon or Bath.

Horse riding

Horse riding is something you can do for leisure and relaxation, or competitively.

Specialist groups often have a ramp or platform to help disabled riders mount safely and some may have hoists for lifting on and off the horses. Find out more about riding for leisure at Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA), or follow Calvert Trust Exmoor, Conquest Centre, Currypool Equestrian, Chard and District Riding for the Disabled, Sparkford Group, Burcott and District Riding Group, Pevlings Farm. Blackmore Vale RDA and Divoky Riding School locally.

Find out more about riding competitively with para dressage and para showjumping through British Dressage

Last reviewed: December 12, 2023 by Helly

Next review due: June 12, 2024

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