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Targeted health services

Support in health for children and young people with SEND


Targeted health service support is available to those with more complex needs. The support is often on a short-term basis and is provided through an assessment or referral via a professional such as your

  • GP
  • dentist
  • child’s school
  • health visitor
  • school nurse

Targeted health services cover a wide range of activities, and the related content will take you to a more detailed explanation of these services and what they do. The services are delivered in a wide range of places – including in people’s own homes as well as in community clinics, hospitals, GP surgeries and schools. Sometimes these services are delivered online, especially when other factors make this is the safest option such as high Covid levels in the community.

Targeted health services can work with children and young people who have a range of needs so must work closely with other parts of the health and care service. They do not replace universal services, so you will still be under the care of universal services like the doctor.

Last updated: November 13, 2024

Next review due: May 13, 2025

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