What's an Annual Health Check?

Everyone from the age of 14 with a learning disability is entitled to an Annual Health Check with their GP, we want to make sure young people and their families are aware of what this is about and why it is needed. It is also important that they are on their GP learning disability register.

Annual Health Checks assist with the transition to adult services and help embed awareness of health and how to stay healthy, particularly as people with learning disabilities are known to have poorer health than the general population and may die at a younger age.

We have put together the following resources as examples of good practice for your further consideration.

Helping to improve access to Annual Health Checks

To improve access to Learning Disability annual health checks for young people aged 14 and over, Contact has worked with the National Network of Parent Carer Forums and NHS England to raise awareness of annual health checks and co-produce resources with GP and Clinical Commissioning Group representatives as well as parent carers. More information is available on the Contact website – Parent carer participation page.

GP annual health checks for children with learning disabilities

Further information for parents of a child or young person with a learning disability, including the transition to adult services, GP learning disability registers and annual health checks and why they are important. Also how parents can support their child or young person to access the services they are entitled to. Please visit the Contact website – Education, health and social care page.

Webinar: GP annual health checks for over 14s

This co-presented webinar with representatives from Bromley Parent Voice and NHS England covers what GP annual health checks are, why they are important and explains GP learning disability registers and who should be on them. It also highlights what to expect from an annual health check, what a Health Action Plan is, and what to do if this is not what you experience.

Don’t Miss Out

Mencap resources include films and guidance for people with learning disabilities about Annual Health Checks. People with learning disabilities are interviewed about what happens at an Annual Health Check, why it’s important, and what support they can ask for. More information is available on the Mencap website – Annual health checks page.

It’s your health check

A film by Somerset Council covers what a health check is, who can have one, and why it is important. The person should think about what they want from a health check before they attend and that it is fine to say ‘No’ to some things. A person with learning disabilities interviews a GP Learning Disability lead for the CCG.

Health is Everybody’s Responsibility

This film by the Misfits Theatre Company (a theatre company of people with learning disabilities) stresses the importance of having a health check, being on the GP register and what can be added to a Summary Care Record. It has subtitles in Easy English.

What are the barriers?

Supercharged Me – This project – shortly to be rolled out in Somerset, supports people with learning disabilities to get the most from their healthcare.

Kingfisher Treasure Seekers developed a website aimed at people with a learning disability who use mobile phones and tablets, and who would not normally engage with health checks through traditional communication routes. It may therefore appeal to younger people. The campaign is a call to action “to be the best version of yourself you can be” by having an annual health check. You can find out more on the Supercharged Me website.

What you might expect before your Annual Health Check – it is important that young people and their families go prepared for the check, GPs should send out information – such as a pre-health check questionnaire – prior to attending. The information on this really helps them to understand someone’s health and wellbeing needs, so make sure it is filled in helps enormously.

Get Checked Out’ produce lots of resources including a pre-health check questionnaire and information for families and others. For more information please visit the Learning Disability Service website.

Flowchart for GP practices

Our Annual Health Checks flowchart (PDF) was designed for GP practices in Somerset during the Covid-19 period and helps them with the Annual Health Check process. As the check may not take place face to face.

Last updated: December 13, 2024

Next review due: June 13, 2025

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