Headteachers’ responsibilities

Sets out the responsibilities of headteachers in identifying and meeting the needs of all children and young people

Part of
Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool

The purpose of this pathway is to ensure every child and young person in a Somerset school receives the support they are entitled to

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Part of
Somerset’s Graduated Response Tool

The purpose of this pathway is to ensure every child and young person in a Somerset school receives the support they are entitled to


Statutory Special Educational Needs (SEN) information

Statutory Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) information

Expectations for Whole School Inclusion

Expectations for Whole School Inclusion

Inclusion for each Broad Area of Need

Information about the four areas of need set out in the Code of Practice

Inclusion for each Broad Area of Need

Graduated Response Tool – Complex Medical Needs

Graduated Response Tool – Complex Medical Needs

Supporting tools, documents and signposting

Supporting tools, documents and signposting


Headteachers must:

  • ensure the school holds ambitious expectations for all children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
  • establish and sustain culture and practices that allows children and young people to access the curriculum and learn effectively
  • ensure the school works effectively in partnership with parent carers and professionals to identify the additional needs and SEN of children and young people. They must provide support and adaptation where appropriate
  • make sure the school fulfils its statutory duties concerning the SEND Code of Practice 2015
  • promote positive and respectful relationships across the school community and a safe, orderly and inclusive environment
  • ensure that responsibilities are met under the Equality Act (2010) concerning reasonable adjustments and access arrangements
  • ensure a suitably qualified and experienced teacher is designated as SENCO and allowed sufficient non-teaching time to carry out their duties
  • have a clear approach to early identification of SEN and response to identified needs
  • ensure the school SEN Information Report is produced and published online following section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014
  • ensure the SENCO can support and advise you and the governing body in determining the strategic development of SEN policy and provision – this is achieved most effectively by the SENCO being a member of the Senior Leadership Team
  • ensure the SENCO and governors are aware of the SEN budget and how it is being used and that value for money is secured


Did you know?

You must accept school applications from children and young people with SEN (and Looked After Children) and make reasonable adjustments for children and young people with disabilities.

Last updated: November 13, 2024

Next review due: May 13, 2025

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