If things are not working with SEND

There are organisations and services designed to support people to have their feelings and complaints heard


Navigating the world of SEND can be very complex. Parent carers may at times feel that their child or young person’s special educational needs are not being met.  This can become emotional, especially when there are delays.

If you are not happy with the service received, then it is a good idea to talk about your concerns. All SEND practitioners in Somerset are signed up to the SEND charter.

We commit to our services and staff being accessible and approachable, and we work collaboratively in an open, honest, and transparent way. We are keen to have you help us know what you want to achieve – is it an apology or change to the support offered?

Remember that the people you are talking to may not be the cause of any inconvenience you have experienced. There are lots of complex rules about how different organisations must respond which staff have to follow, which we describe here.

If you are not happy with the response that you receive from the organisation there are other ways that you can complain which are also described.


Talking to the service

The first step is to talk to the service that has made the mistake or delay

Talking to the service

Making your complaint

If your concerns haven’t been met through talking to the service, you can make a formal complaint

Making your complaint

Disagreement resolution and mediation

We would like to resolve any disagreements at an early stage and will meet with parents and young people where appropriate to discuss issues that arise

Disagreement resolution and mediation

What if I’m still not happy?

If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint there are organisations that investigate complaints or regulate services

What if I am still not happy?

Last updated: February 12, 2025

Next review due: August 12, 2025

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