This is a summary of what we learned and heard from people at the Autism and ADHD workshops in 2021.
Key changes
The Pre-assessment Pathway for Autism and ADHD was launched in July 2021 after co-production across, Education, Health and Care for a test and learn period. Some of the key changes included:
- All professionals who are involved with a child or young person, across Education, Health and Care, can request an assessment for Autism and/or ADHD provided there is evidence to do so.
- The Next Steps form was designed for the purpose of requesting an assessment and indicates what evidence is needed.
- Education settings link an assessment request to the graduated response, as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice.
- Families where the child or young person is electively home educated are supported by the Somerset Parent Carer Forum to complete the Next Steps process if needed.
- SENDIAS can be requested to provide mediation when families and schools are not in agreement on whether an assessment should be requested.
- A multi-disciplinary triage (MDT) team was established across Education, Health and Care to consider assessment requests.
- A pre-assessment ‘help-line’ email address was established for education colleagues to ask any questions they have, request a phone call, Team’s consultation, or seek clarification. This resource is also being used by a variety of colleagues across the workforce who support children and young people with needs and by parent carers.
- A half-termly Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) discussion group was established to provide training, support, and opportunities for case discussions.
The following paper evaluates the changes to and implementation of the Pre-assessment Pathway and the transition to the Assessment Pathway Next Steps process in Somerset in 2022.
Positive reflections include:
- SENCO s who feel they are supported by their senior leadership in their schools and have the time needed to carry out their role as a SENCO , have welcomed the pre-assessment pathway. They agree it fits with their role in carrying out a graduated response for children and young people seen as having Special Educational Needs (SEN). As one SENCO remarked, ‘We have been given a gift…’ There is no longer the need to work through the GP and wonder whether the GP has included the school information shared with them as evidence for a referral for an assessment.
- A MDT team consider requests for assessments to ensure the right child or young person receives an assessment, and signposting those where an assessment is not agreed.
- The depth of information provided through the Next Steps process and form far outweighs the information previously provided by GPs.
- The support system in place for the pre-assessment pathway is rated as highly valuable and helpful for those who have used them. For example the AutismADHDPreassessmentPathway@somerset.gov.uk email address and the SENCO support discussion groups that take place every half-term.