Expectations on the school
These expectations are drawn from The Code of Practice 2015, and Education Endowment Foundation SEND in Mainstream Guidance Report 2020. They outline the expectations that will promote inclusion for all children and young people, including those with SEN, that are not detailed within the Broad Areas of Need section of this document.
- Practitioners ensure that formative assessment and feedback are a feature of lessons. Assessment is used to reflect on pupil progress, and to identify, and act upon, possible barriers to learning
- All schools should have a clear approach to early identification of SEN
- Schools should use a holistic approach to assessment including, but not limited to, formative assessment, observation, checklists, diagnostic tools and children and young people and parent carer voice
- A regular cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, and Review should be used to ensure that children and young people with SEN are making progress
- Expertise is in place to manage reasonable examination arrangements (access arrangements) for tests national tests and public examinations
Partnership with children and young people and parent carers
- The setting works in partnership with parent carers and children and young people in decision making
- Parent carers and children and young people are supported to engage in decision making and supported to share their views
- Tips, supports and resources are shared with parent carers
- Parent carers are signposted to support available through The Local Offer
Positive and supportive environment for all children and young people
- Promote positive relationships, active engagement, and well-being for all children and young people
- Learners feel safe and valued. They know that they can approach staff and that their opinions and concerns are valued
- Remove barriers to participation
- Provision should address the needs identified by the school
Staff skills and learning
- All practitioners, including Teaching Assistants, make a positive contribution to learner progress. The Education Endowment Foundation guide might be useful for Teaching Assistants Continuing Professional Development Making Best Use of Teaching Assistants – Education Endowment Foundation
- There is a plan for ongoing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) concerning understanding and meeting the needs of children and young people
- Staff collaborate and have effective links with other relevant outside agencies and specialists for support, training, and supervision
Transition and transfer
- Support is in place for routine and life transitions when required
- Procedures are in place to ensure smooth progression through settings, particularly during all transition phases, including entry and exit
- Children and young people and parent carers participate in decisions around transition and transfer