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Children at risk of exclusion – Checklist of expectations

National government guidance, legislation and local Somerset context with regard to children and young people who present with challenging behaviour and are at risk of exclusion from school.

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Children at risk of exclusion – Checklist of expectations

National government guidance, legislation and local Somerset context with regard to children and young people who present with challenging behaviour and are at risk of exclusion from school.


Reasonable Adjustments

National Guidance or Legislation, and expectations

Reasonable Adjustments

In-school support and Identification of additional needs

National Guidance or Legislation, and expectations

Step 1: In-school support and Identification of additional needs

Engaging Specialist Support

National Guidance or Legislation, and expectations

Step 2: Engaging Specialist Support

Alternatives to exclusion and pre-exclusion considerations

National Guidance or Legislation, and expectations

Step 3: Alternatives to exclusion and pre-exclusion considerations

Specific situations

Pupils with an EHCP, Pupils who are looked after, one-off breach, and references

Specific situations

Step 1.1 - a graduated response

National Guidance and or Legislation

Schools need to manage pupil behaviour effectively, whether or not the pupil has underlying needs. When a pupil is identified as having SEND, the graduated approach should be used to assess, plan, deliver and then review the impact of the support being provided (DfE, 2022.p.14). Some behaviours are more likely to be associated with particular types of SEND, such as a pupil with speech, language and communication needs who may not understand verbal instruction (DfE, 2022, p.14).


Assessment of SEND should have been explored across all 4 areas of need as outlined in the Somerset graduated response tool, e.g. use of the quick checkers as outlined in the Somerset graduated response tool. Where SEN Support is in place, an APDR cycle of support must be happening which includes appropriate provision to meet the identified needs.
Under the Children and Families Act 2014, governing boards of relevant settings must use their ‘best endeavours’ to ensure the appropriate special educational provision is made for pupils with SEN, which will include any support in relation to behaviour management that they need because of their SEN.

Step 1.2 - identify functions behind behaviour

National Guidance and or Legislation

Where suspensions are becoming a regular occurrence for a pupil, headteachers and schools should consider whether suspension alone is an effective sanction for the pupil and whether additional strategies need to be put in place to address behaviour (DfE, 2023, p.12).


The Somerset Pastoral Support Plan process (or equivalent) should be used to specify the functions behind behaviour and what reasonable adjustments are needed, irrespective of SEND status. This is done with parent carer and pupil voice at the centre of the process and the actions are implemented consistently in an APDR cycle.

Step 1.3 - general and targeted interventions

National Guidance and or Legislation

Measures are in place and both general and targeted interventions are used to improve pupil behaviour and support is provided to all pupils to help them meet behaviour standards (DfE 2022, p.6).


Where there is a known risk of violence from a pupil towards other pupils and/or adults, there should be a plan in place that considers this risk and arrangements for minimising this.

Step 1.4 - support in place to prevent likely triggers

National Guidance and or Legislation

Schools should, as far as possible, anticipate likely triggers of misbehaviour and put in place support to prevent these (DfE, 2022, p.15).
See also Keeping Children Safe in Education (DfE, 2024b).


Where there is a known risk of violence from a pupil towards other pupils and/or adults, there should be a plan in place that considers this risk and arrangements for minimising this.

Step 1.5

National Guidance and or Legislation

Working together to improve attendance (DfE 2022b)
Alternative Provision: statutory guidance (DfE, 2013)


The education offer is appropriate and promotes education engagement, which might include alternative provision, part-time timetable for a short period and/or an alternative engagement pathway within the school.

Last updated: October 1, 2024

Next review due: April 1, 2025

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