What if I don’t agree?

Hearing the comments and suggestions from families and young people is invaluable. There are lots of different people involved in the pathway, so it is important to take your feedback to the right place.

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Autism and ADHD Pathway

What you can expect when going through the Autism and/or ADHD Assessment Pathway

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Autism and ADHD Pathway

What you can expect when going through the Autism and/or ADHD Assessment Pathway


Pre Assessment Autism and ADHD Pathway

Receiving support at the earliest stage without the need for a diagnosis. Making a smooth transition to assessment for those who require it.

Pre Assessment Autism and ADHD PathwayAutism and ADHD SENCO Discussion GroupMyths busting of assessment and diagnosis

Post Assessment Autism and ADHD Pathway

Appropriate support for those who receive a diagnosis, and signposting for those who don't.

Post Assessment Autism and ADHD PathwayPost Diagnostic Pathway for ADHDADHD medicines shortageSupporting children and young people who are demand avoidantWhat if I don’t agree?


Please speak to the individual service to resolve your concerns. You can find out more about formal complaints routes of different services on our If things are not working page.

When there is a disagreement between an education setting and the family on whether a request for an Autism or ADHD assessment should be made, parent carers can seek support from Somerset SENDIAS .


You have the right to complain if you’re not happy about any aspect of referral, diagnosis or care that your child has received from an NHS service. Please speak to the CYPNP Advice Line in the first instance.

Following the assessment when you receive the report you can ask the assessment team why they made the diagnosis (or didn’t). You have three months to request a follow-up appointment to discuss the assessment further.

A review can be requested by contacting the CYPNP Advice Line or the email in the report. An independent clinician will review an assessment to check it is robust and contains enough information and evidence in each area.

If the CYPNP Advice Line cannot resolve your concern then they will signpost you to PALS for further support about the service. PALS cannot change a medical outcome.

We appreciate the waiting time can be stressful, however remember needs can and should be met without a diagnosis. Please refer to the Pre-Assessment Pathway information. The CYPNP Advice Line can provide bespoke advice and strategies.


There are a wide variety of services that support neurodiverse children and young people. Please speak to the individual service to resolve your concerns. You can find out more about formal complaints routes of different services on our If things are not working page.

Last updated: November 13, 2024

Next review due: May 13, 2025

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