Pre Assessment Autism and ADHD Pathway

Receiving support at the earliest stage without the need for a diagnosis. Making a smooth transition to assessment for those who require it.

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Autism and ADHD Pathway

What you can expect when going through the Autism and/or ADHD Assessment Pathway

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Part of
Autism and ADHD Pathway

What you can expect when going through the Autism and/or ADHD Assessment Pathway


Pre Assessment Autism and ADHD Pathway

Receiving support at the earliest stage without the need for a diagnosis. Making a smooth transition to assessment for those who require it.

Pre Assessment Autism and ADHD PathwayAutism and ADHD SENCO Discussion GroupMyths busting of assessment and diagnosis

Post Assessment Autism and ADHD Pathway

Appropriate support for those who receive a diagnosis, and signposting for those who don't.

Post Assessment Autism and ADHD PathwayPost Diagnostic Pathway for ADHDADHD medicines shortageSupporting children and young people who are demand avoidantWhat if I don’t agree?


The pre-assessment pathway documents for Autism and ADHD can be found on this page (also known as Neurodevelopmental Pre-Assessment Pathway).

These documents have been developed in collaboration with education, health and care colleagues as well as parent carers, children and young people. They have been developed to support education settings, practitioners, and parent carers so that everyone better understands the pre-assessment pathway.

If you have any questions about the pathway or the documents on this page, please email:


The needs of a child or young person should be met within the education setting without a formal diagnosis.

Schools/education settings, parents and carers are able to apply for an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHC) without a diagnosis of Autism and/or ADHD

Sensory processing

We know that many, but not all, neurodivergent people have sensory processing difficulties so the Sensory Processing pathway may be helpful.

WISE Up Workshops

Being a parent carer of a child or young person with additional needs can bring extra situations which are challenging to know how to handle. To help support parent carers navigate these a range of workshops have been created by Somerset Parent Carer Forum based on the subjects you have told them would be helpful.

The idea behind the project is to empower parent carers through Workshops for Information, Support and Education.  All the workshops are delivered or co-delivered by someone with lived experience of being a parent carer.

Find out more on the WISE Up Workshops page.

Last updated: January 30, 2025

Next review due: July 30, 2025

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